MSCA PF Fellow: Sarah Ferrari
Project: WOMENWRITERS - The Self-Fashioning of Women Writers in Early Modern Italy (1490-1610)
MSCA Fellow: Sarah Ferrari
UNIPD Supervisor: Alessandra Pattanaro
Department: Cultural Heritage: Archaeology and History of Art, Cinema and Music
Total Contribution: Euro 235.737,60
Project Duration in months: 24
Find out more: https://cordis.europa.eu/projects/en
Sarah Ferrari is currently working as a researcher at the Research Department of the Nationalmuseum (Stockholm), where she is contributing to the research project “Italian Paintings at the Nationalmuseum: Market, Musealization, Materiality”. She received her doctorate from the University of Padua, where she has also worked as a post-doc researcher. She has also taught and researched in collaboration with several institutes in Italy and abroad. She has published on Giorgione and Titian’s treatment of landscape and portraiture, as well as on the transmission of ideas and circulation of artefacts. More recently, her research interests have been addressed toward the history of collecting and the art market in Italy and Europe. In this respect, she has obtained a library research grant from the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. Her project as MSCA fellow focuses on the self-fashioning of women writers in Early Modern Italy (1490-1610).