MSCA PF Fellow: Flavio Baccari
Project: ENCHANT - General characterisation of near term quantum advantage regimes
MSCA Fellow: Flavio Baccari
UNIPD Supervisor: Simone Montangero
Department: Physics and Astronomy
Total Contribution: Euro 188.590,08
Project Duration in months: 24
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Flavio Baccari completed his undergraduate and master studies in Physics at the University “Sapienza” of Rome. He then obtained a Severo Ochoa PhD position to join the Quantum Information Theory group of Prof. Antonio Acín at ICFO (Barcelona). During his PhD he developed scalable methods to certify the presence of quantum properties in systems composed of many particles. He then joined the group of Prof. Ignacio Cirac at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) in Munich, where he obtained a prestigious Alexander Von Humboldt postdoctoral fellowship to pursue a research project in field of certification and benchmarking of near-term quantum computers and simulators.
During his research activity, he gained experience in tensor network methods, many-body physics, quantum algorithms and quantum certification methods. This experience, combined with the strong numerical skills of the host group of Prof. Simone Montangero at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UniPD, will be essential to pursue the objectives of his MSCA project.
The project ENCHANT aims at the development of a comprehensive toolset to investigate the remarkable realm of near-term quantum computers. The project will introduce methods to answer two complementary questions: how to systematically identify promising tasks where a quantum advantage over classical computers might be obtained in the near term? Once they are found, how to make sure that no classical computer can reproduce the same computation?