MSCA PF Fellow: Vittoria Sposini

PDFProject:  DOMYNOS - Diffusion in polymer matrices: a quantitative mapping between matrix heterogeneity and non-Gaussian statistics

Vittoria Sposini


MSCA Fellow: Vittoria Sposini

UNIPD Supervisor:  Enzo Orlandini

Department: Physics and Astronomy

Total Contribution: Euro 172.750,08 

Project Duration in months: 24

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Vittoria Sposini obtained her PhD in Theoretical Physics and in Mathematics & Statistics under a co-tutelle regime between the University of Potsdam (Germany) and the University of the Basque Country (Spain). She then joined the Computational and Soft Matter Physics Group at the University of Vienna (Austria) for a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship within the REWIRE Programme, a Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions COFUND project to reinforce women in research. Vittoria's research focuses on stochastic modelling and statistical analysis of thermal and active motion in (disordered) soft matter systems by means of Molecular Dynamics simulations and single-particle trajectory analysis. Her work covers topics related to anomalous diffusion and glassy dynamics in colloidal systems, with particular interest towards the modelling and analysis of non-Gaussian diffusion. Over the years, analytical, computational and experimental works have demonstrated that non-Gaussian diffusion emerges due to the presence of different kind of heterogeneities in the system. Vittoria's MSCA project aims at providing a quantitative description of the spatio-temporal environment heterogeneities leading to non-Gaussian statistics in soft matter systems. The research will focus in particular on the diffusion of colloidal nanoparticles through polymer matrices and will bring together concepts from polymer physics, transport theory and computational physics.