Supporting Talent in ReSearch@University of Padua
STARS Grants - Funding Programme for individual research projects
“Supporting TAlent in ReSearch @ University of Padua - STARS Grants” is a funding programme financially supported by the University of Padua.
The new call STARS @UNIPD 2025 is open from 20 December 2024 to 21 March 2025 - Apply now
The programme runs every two years and encourages international, high quality, innovative and ambitious research at the University of Padua. It aims at boosting the participation of the University in ERC calls, promoting an open and positive attitude towards international funding opportunities for basic research.
STARS grants support bottom-up, ground-breaking research projects submitted by individual Principal Investigators (PIs), who are interested in carrying out their research activities at the University of Padua. For all candidates the purpose is to consolidate their professional and research curriculum, in order to participate in competitive international calls for proposals, such as the ERC ones, choosing the University of Padua as Host Institution.
In an effort to reward excellence and foster a high-level, open, transparent and merit-based competition, as well as promoting the increasingly broad participation of researchers in international competitive calls for proposals, the evaluation process and criteria of the STARS @UNIPD call will be similar to those of the European Research Council. The application forms themselves, reflect the structure of the ERC templates, in a simplified version.
About the University of Padua
Closed calls
Stars Grants 2023 call for proposals (closed)
Stars Grants 2021 call for proposals (closed)
STARS Grants
Research and Business Relations Area
International Research Office
via Martiri della libertà 8, 35137 Padua