Support network
Contacts, plus inclusion and disability services
The University of Padova has a list of people and offices that can be contacted for any inclusion and disability issue.
Inclusion and Disability Delegate
Professor Laura Nota, the Rector’s delegate, is responsible for inclusion and disability issues. The entire University community, however, is invited to establish contacts and set up partnerships, report discrimination and inclusion issues, highlight good practices and inclusive events, as well as provide suggestions and solutions to promote inclusion.
Heads of Inclusion and Disability
Each University department has appointed a Head of Inclusion and Disability for issues concerning inclusion, disability, learning difficulties and vulnerability. They collaborate with the Rector’s delegate to promote inclusion policies for the benefit of all members of the University community: students, technical and administrative staff, and professors. They set up customized interaction between students and colleagues in order to promote participation in university life and the right to a university education, thus stimulating students to manage their university lives with determination and raising awareness of inclusion policies among department members. Furthermore, they strive to create a welcoming environment and a sense of belonging.
List of the contact persons for Inclusion and Disability in each department
University Centre for Disability and Inclusion
This centre offers free psychological counselling to students and employees with disabilities or learning difficulties, as well as to people in vulnerable situations.
E-mail: ceateneo@unipd.it
Website: http://cda.psy.unipd.it/
Student Services Office – Inclusion
The Student Services Office provides support to students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) so that they benefit from the right to a university education.
E-mail: inclusione.studenti@unipd.it
Public Engagement Office
The Public Engagement Officepromotes equal opportunities, gender equality and inclusion; it also fosters staff policies which focus on difference, work-life balance and the promotion of sport and wellbeing.
E-mail: sociale@unipd.it
Student Services Office - Orientation
The Student Services Office helps students to choose their degree course by offering support and advice.
E-mail: orienta@unipd.it
Larios Laboratory - Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA)
This laboratory offers free consultancy to all students planning their future professional careers, in particular to students and employees with disabilities and specific learning disabilities, as well as to other vulnerable people.
E-mail: larios@unipd.it
Website: http://larios.psy.unipd.it/it/
Counselling and Psychotherapy Service (SAP)
This service offers free short-, medium- and long-term psychological support to students who encounter difficulties which may affect their daily life and university studies.
E-mail: sap@unipd.it
Psychological Assistance Service to University Employees (APAD)
The University offers psychological support to its employees and their family for prevention purposes and to provide expert advice and clinical and psychotherapeutic treatment for anyone suffering from mental and relational distress and illness.
E-mail: apad.dpss@unipd.it