During your stay - Bilateral Agreements
Teaching tools: Moodle, Class timetable and OrariApp
Before the classes start you should first of all sign up for each course unit in the e-learning platform Moodle, where all course info and the teaching material will be published.
Check the Class timetable of each course unit, which should be available between 4 and 2 weeks before the start of classes.
Use the OrariUnipd app to create your personalised schedule.
Learning Agreement changes
During your stay you can change your Learning Agreement, if necessary. You can download a standard template below. You should complete and sign only the section called “During the Mobility”. In fact, the section called “Before the Mobility” has already been signed before your arrival in Padua.
Before filling in the LA, please read carefully our guide on How to choose courses at Unipd.
Procedure for LA Changes approval:
- Access Mobility Online platform (www.unipd.it/mobilityonline) by using your Unipd credentials.
- Upload the LA in the section "During the mobility", under the step "LEARNING AGREEMENT CHANGES (optional)"
- The Mobility Unit Desk of your School/Department will receive it automatically. The LA will be signed and sent to you via email.
ATTENTION: you will be able to upload the Learning Agreement in Mobility Online only when the previous steps of the workflow are fulfilled.
For info: mobility.in@unipd.it
How to fill in the Study Plan in Uniweb
In order to sign up for exams successfully, you should fill in the Study Plan on your Uniweb account.
It is compulsory to fill in the online study plan before sitting the exams. If course units are not included in your Uniweb Booklet, you will not be able to sign up for exams and to record grades.
For detailed information concerning the procedure, please download the guide "Uniweb: how to fill in the Study Plan" below. Please follow the instructions step by step in order to avoid any error.
How to sign up for exams
Before taking an exam, you should sign up for it on Uniweb during the registration period.
You can sign up for the exam only if you have filled in the Study Plan on Uniweb and only if the registration for the exam you are signing up for is open.
If you don't sign up for the exam on Uniweb, the professor will not be able to register your grade, and the exam will NOT appear in your final Transcript of Records.
In order to successfully sign up for exams, follow the procedure described in the guide below “How to sign up for exams”.
Once you pass the exam, you have the possibility to refuse the grade within 7 days after the publication of results. More information available in the guide "How to refuse a grade" below.
Do not forget to check regularly your email account @studenti.unipd.it during the registration process and the exam session.
You might meet some problems during the exams registration. Please DO NOT WAIT till the day in which the exam takes place. If you encounter any problem, please contact immediately:
- the International Office (mobility.in@unipd.it) or
- the International Office Desk of your School or Department
Extension of the mobility period
During your stay you can extend your mobility period, by following these steps:
- Contact your Home University and ask them to send an email to mobility.in@unipd.it authorising the extension
- Change your Learning Agreement accordingly, adding the activities you will carry out during the additional period (exams or research)
If you are staying in a Hall of Residence, please inform Sassa Service that you require an extension for the accommodation
If you have a residence permit, please check the steps you have to follow to renew it