Our testimonials: Pihoo

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Our testimonials: Pihoo


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Meet Pihoo from India

PhD student of Energy Engineering


"The University of Padua will provide you with exceptional academia and world-class technical curricula to transform your dreams into reality" 


Meet Pihoo

About myself 

I am a quite visionary and observant person. My love towards working with giant machines led me to the incredible world of energy engineering, where machines transform energy, which is vital for the existence of the world in this generation. I did my bachelor's in mechanical engineering in India. My love for machines led me to UNIPD where I started my Master's in Energy Engineering in October 2021. Alongside my studies, I worked at the university as a tutor buddy for international students and as a tutor junior for my department. During my studies, I developed a deep interest in the RACHP sector and its related obstacles in the path of sustainability. With the guidance of my supervisor, Professor Davide Del Col, I collaborated with Aermec SpA where I did my internship to then write my thesis; there I worked with a propane-based heat pump to simulate the leakage from that unit. After finishing my master's on 8th of September 2023, I got selected for the UNIPD PhD programme to meet the innovative needs of companies. My PhD research topic is to develop new methods and controls of defrosting for heat pumps in collaboration with a company named Swegon. After I started my PhD on 1st November 2023, I received some incredible news, that my thesis research work had been awarded the Mauro Mantovan Graduate Award and on 29th November 2023 I was awarded the Mauro Mantovan Award during the grand function of UNIPD Alumni Award.

What did you like most about the Energy Engineering degree programme? Why would you recommend it to other students?

The Energy Engineering degree programme of UNIPD is a perfect blend of energy engineering and thermodynamics. During the course, you have the opportunity to choose the courses of your interest and get specialised on. Above all, the well-equipped laboratory and detailed practical projects in each course make you think beyond theory and transform your theory in living practical machine. The dynamic student-professor relationship makes the curriculum more understandable, and you have a whole team of experienced tutors that guide you all the way to link the cultural and academic background. Furthermore, the university has so many collaborative thesis or internship work with some of the biggest companies in their sector and this is the outstanding factor for me as a university student, because it exposes you directly to the industry, opening widely the after-university doors for you.

Is there any class or subject that stood out to you?

Before coming to the University of Padua, I was very confused about which sector I wanted to specifically work on. The Renewable Energy Technologies course, taught by Professor Davide Del Col was the one that fostered my deep interest in the impeccable and exciting world of Refrigeration. This led me to follow the course of Refrigeration and Heat pump technologies taught by Professor Davide Del Col and after digging deep about the obstacle that the RACHP (Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heat Pump) sector faces to reach goals of sustainability, I chose to work for the RACHP sector to remove all those obstacles and lead towards the sustainability for all. Professor Davide Del Col introduced me to the Aermec SpA company, which is one of the leading companies in the Air conditioning and heat pumps sector and that is where I did my internship to write my thesis on “A study of the concentration of the R290 gas in air during the leakages from the heat pump unit”, which was awarded on 29th of November 2023 the ‘Mauro Mantovan Graduate Award’ for its unique social, cultural and research impact at national and international level.

What advice would you give to potential students thinking of studying in Italy?

I would say, if you are ready to face cultural shocks and come out of your comfort zone, the University of Padua will provide you with exceptional academia and world-class technical curricula to transform your dreams into reality.

Tell me a bit about student life in Italy. What do you do for fun and what are your favourite places to spend time?

Ahaha! I would say, my answer would be different from other students because there are so many things to do in Padua that if you don’t discipline yourself, you will struggle in your studies. But if you are talking about a balanced adventure, then you have so many things to explore. Padua has a great history, with so many beautiful piazze and museums. Then there is Prato della Valle, so many exceptional architectures of historical importance. Then, we cannot forget about Mercolegin every Wednesday. Winter market, Christmas market...ahh, there are so many things to do. Then the vast Italian culture of café (or if I say “al bar”). Venice, one of the world’s most beautiful places, is just 15 minutes by train from here. Then there is Verona, Monselice, Abano Terme and so many other wonderful places within an hour train ride. But please don’t forget to study! Hahahah…

Have you found it easy to meet new people since you started university?

It was a bit challenging for me because I was such an introvert, but I would say, in just a month I made so many friends. Actually, now that I think of that, the University of Padua has made me an extrovert. I am such a social person now. The University has so many programmes specifically for the international students to meet and greet outside of the academic environment. So, my answer is that university would transform you into a social bird with so many beautiful friendships. Even during classes, there were so many group projects where you had to bring your ideas together. And one of the best things UNIPD has instilled in me is the essence of teamwork.

What is your favourite memory of Padua?

My favourite memory of UNIPD is when I graduated with 110/110 Cum Laude and I had an army of friends to celebrate my achievement with. My parents didn’t make it for my graduation day but the friends that I met just a couple of years ago became my family. One of them even video called my parents during my thesis presentation and make them feel as if they were part of the event. I made such amazing friends here. Even people from Aermec SpA were there during my thesis defence presentation.
Then, when I received the Mauro Mantovan Award during the Unipd Alumni Award ceremony, my whole PhD research group celebrated that. I didn’t just finish a master’s degree, but I earned the most beautiful relationships of my life and I feel so satisfied.
I came here as a stranger and in just 2 years, I have a whole amazing family of friends that celebrate, encourage and mentor me to become a better person and strive more for my dreams. That’s like a dream and that’s why I said before that UNIPD transforms your dreams into reality.

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