Our testimonials: Julia

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Our testimonials: Julia


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Meet Julia from Indonesia

Student of Management Engineering


"I would recommend Unipd because it has a very strong international student community" 


Meet Julia

About myself 

I am Ezrania Julia, from Indonesia. People usually refer to me as Julia. I am enrolled in the Management Engineering master's degree programme at the University of Padua, attending my second year here. Right now, I am doing a 6-month internship as Product Marketing under R&D in a company that produces equipment for photographic and video camera solutions for photographers. My thesis project is also being developed in the company. During last year's summer, I had also completed my curricular (mandatory) internship in an Italian company focusing on wood scanning and optimization in Venezia Mestre. I am very lucky to have had such positive traineeship in both instances. I also try to be involved in different activities, such as volunteering in the Indonesian Student Association of Triveneto. In the second semester, I participated in a Virtual Exchange programme, NICE Erasmus+, with the aim to foster entrepreneurial and intercultural skills. Thanks to that programme I worked with students of partnering universities from UK and even South Africa, and we had a nice in-person meetup during the summer school.

My experience here in Italy has been nothing short of colourful! Moving to a completely different environment and building a routine from scratch has definitely shaped me for the better, both professionally and personally. As I would expect, the most cherished memories I have come from the friendships that I've made along the way.

Why did you choose the University of Padua and the Management Engineering degree programme? Why would you recommend it to other students?

There are several strong reasons. Firstly, Management Engineering at UNIPD offered interesting courses that would develop my skills in my area of interest in English (which was very important since I didn’t know Italian at all). My background in Industrial Engineering as well as knowing where I wanted to develop some expertise supported this decision. Secondly, I preferred a university situated in a less crowded city. I come from a very big and busy city, Jakarta, so I would rather study in a smaller city such Padua. I was lucky because Management Engineering was held completely in Vicenza, a beautiful ancient city that’s strategically close to Padua, Verona, and Venice. The third reason is because it’s Italy! :) It’s no secret that Italy is a cultural hub, well-connected, with great food and renowned friendly people! So, I was convinced that I’d be in for a good time! Last but very important, I was granted an Invest Your Talent Scholarship by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation prior to my arrival in Italy. This was a critical factor for me to ensure that I would have a smoother journey.
I would recommend UNIPD because it has a very strong international student community (especially if you study and live in Padova). The university provides support in virtually all aspects you need for the entirety of your study, including career support, housing and administrational guidance. You’ll get routine newsletter from the university with quite interesting events that you could take part in! There are all sorts of clubs and activities that you could join whether it’s in art or sports, organized by the university itself or by the City itself. Furthermore, there are scholarship opportunities that are available for students.

What are the main features of your degree programme?

Management Engineering is a perfect combination between the technical and managerial fields of the discipline. You can choose from a wide array of subject options as your study plan. If you’re interested in data, there are courses that cover relevant topics such as Machine Learning, Statistical Methods, Game Theory etc. If you’re interested in engineering topics, there are electives such as Precision and Quality for Manufacturing Innovation, Digital Twins for Automation, Maintenance Management, etc. Also, definitely enrol in more managerial subjects such as Strategy and Digital Transformation, Organizational Change and Performance Management, Smart Operations and Supply Chain Management. In my degree, professors regularly invite company managers as guest lecturers where they provide invaluable insight on their work as well as share opportunities for internships in their company. The courses that I attended have been designed in a very comprehensive way. Professors incorporated different teaching methods – a good balance between regular lectures, company guest lectures, laboratories, group work, and even arranged visits to the company itself! I think all of this exposure is great for students to gauge their future aspirations!
Overall, I find my degree well-rounded focusing on preparing us for the professional work. Graduates are quite sought after once they graduate, so hopefully there will be good internship or full-time opportunities.

Is there any class/subject that stood out to you?

Yes! (and not always for a good reason)
I particularly liked Digital Customization. I studied interesting concepts such as variety management and configuration systems.
I wouldn’t name the other subjects that stood out for me. One thing for certain is that I studied a lot for it and was happy with the project I made in the end.

What are some things people might not know about studying in Italy?

The scoring system is very different from what I was accustomed to! Scores range from 1 to 30 points (with possible 30+, which we call ‘lode’). The maximum final mark you receive upon graduating is 110 (with possibility of obtaining a 110 e lode). Don’t worry about calculating your marks, the department will give you the information you need!
Additionally, in Italian universities there are many exam sessions, usually two sessions per semester. Basically, you can choose to register which session to sit your exams, whether this semester or in the next one. Moreover, you are allowed to reject the result if it’s not satisfying, and if you’d like to retake the exam. This really gives students flexibility to organize their study timeline with any other plans they may have (including mobility programmes, like Erasmus).
Lastly, students are very dedicated to their study! The university and the city have study rooms and libraries in which you can regularly find fellow students throughout the semester. After studying, go ahead and grab an aperitivo with your pals!

What is your plan when you graduate?

After graduation, I intend to work full-time within the product management area in Italy for a few years. I envision myself relocating somewhere closer to home later. While working, I would love to involve myself in more volunteering activities both in Europe and Indonesia, further supporting causes related to social integration and sustainable development. After that, who knows!

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