YR - MSCA Researcher: Angela Luisa Prendin

PDFProject:  DFoR - Identifying drivers of forest resilience under climate change

Angela Luisa Prendin


YR - MSCA Researcher: Angela Luisa Prendin

Department:  Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry

Total Contribution:  Euro 299.600,00

Project Duration in months: 36



Angela Luisa Prendin completed her PhD at the University of Padua in February 2017. During her PhD and postdocs, she mainly focused on quantitative wood anatomy to understand how woody plants adjust their structural architecture in relation to ontogeny, environmental and climatic variability. In September 2020, she started her MSCA Fellowship at Aarhus University (DK) with the project BoRiS “uncovering the anatomical archive of annual rings to understand abiotic and biotic drivers of shrub growth at the range border”.
Recently, she has been awarded a Young Researcher Grant for the project DFoR “Identifying drivers of forest resilience under climate change” and she is carrying out her research activities at the Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture, and Forestry at the University of Padua.
DFoR aims to: i) test the effect of drought and climate warming on tree resilience, ii) disentangle the photosynthetic and hydraulic responses together with the Carbon balance in trees experiencing drought and iii) identify predictors of drought-induced effects on trees at multiple scales.
This will be the first project integrating cutting edge wood anatomical and isotope analyses with remote sensing observations, from individuals to stands across multiple spatial and temporal scales. DFoR will be crucial to better forecast the future of forests and to define adaptive and sustainable management strategies to cope with incoming climate change scenarios.