YR - MSCA Researcher: Michele Fondriest

PDFProject: REACT - Rock damagE And RECovery AssisTed by REACTive fluids

Michele Fondriest


YR - MSCA Researcher: Michele Fondriest

Department:  Department of Geosciences

Total Contribution:  Euro 300.000,00

Project Duration in months: 36



Michele Fondriest completed his PhD at the University of Padua (Italy) in 2014 and three post-doctoral fellowships between the University of Padua (Italy: 2014-2015 and 2019) and the University of Manchester (United Kingdom: 2016-2018), two of which supported by H2020 EU-Funds (ERC-CoG project: NOFEAR). During these periods, his research focused on quantifying the internal structure and mechanics of seismogenic fault zones, coupling robust field structural surveys, microanalytical studies of natural fault rocks and rock deformation experiments. He carried out a MSCA-IF (project: DAMAGE) at Université Grenoble Alpes (France) from January 2020 to June 2022, during which he quantified the heterogeneity of rock deformation and velocity structure along seismogenic fault zones in carbonates with detailed structural surveys, near-surface geophysics (seismic tomography, GPR) and ultrasonic wave measurements. In 2022, he was awarded a PNRR YR-MSCA grant for the project REACT, which aims to understand how and how quickly fractured rocks seal, regain their stiffness, and drive fluid flow around faults during the seismic cycle. Fluid-mediated fracture sealing through mineral precipitation will be investigated at different timescales by combining (i) long-term fluid percolation experiments, (ii) newly conceived instantaneous decompression experiments, and (iii) microstructural and geochemical characterization of experimental products and natural sealed fault rocks.