PhD Course

Pharmacological Sciences

Thematic area Medical and Biomedical Sciences
Duration 3 years
Language Italian
PhD Programme Coordinator Nicola Ferri

The PhD course provides qualified training in the pharmacological, toxicological and therapeutic fields, the course includes basic research and applied research at a clinical and epidemiological level.

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Planned Teaching activities:

First year
- Course on "Information Literacy in Pharmacological Sciences"
- Course on "Bio-Statistics"

Second year
- Course on “Academic English for PhD Students”, at Centro Linguistico di Ateneo
- "Advanced Pharmacology" course consisting of 5 modules each: 1) Pharmacokinetics 2) Clinical biochemistry 3) Methods in Molecular Pharmacology 4) Application aspects of clinical research methodology 5) Neuropharmacology.

Third year
- Teaching of "Communicating Science Effectively".
Several seminars (approximately once a month) will also be organized and held by English-speaking scientists.
PhD students are required to attend at least 70% of the training activities offered and pass the evaluation test.

The mission of the 3 years PhD Course in Pharmacological Sciences is to prepare new young generation of scientists with a solid background in the field of Molecular Pharmacology, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacoepidemiology and Toxicology. To this purposes the PhD scholar program is organized in two parallel curricula:  Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology,  Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics

- Role of multiproteic complex NLRP3 inflammosome and dietary habits in central and peripheral inflammatory processes in Parkinson disease;
- Development of innovative therapies for chemotherapy-treated prostate cancer;
- Development of senolytics of natural origin for anti-aging therapy;
- Targeting melatonin receptors for neuropsychiatric disorders;
- Pharmacological modulation of age-related vascular pathologies;
- Study of metabolic reprogramming and identification of innovative pharmacological targets in chemotherapy resistance;
- Study of possible hormonal implications in Sars-CoV-2 virus infection and disease progression;
- Risk assessment of combined chemical exposures;
- Long COVID-19 asymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic and biological aging;
- Correlation Between Concentration at the Effector Site of Ketamine (Calculated With DOMINO Pump) and Bispectral Index Values During General Anaesthesia for Breast Surgery;
- Sex differences in immune checkpoint expression and release by human endothelial cells and monocyte-derived macrophages: implications for combined personalized therapies;
- Investigating novel immunotherapy strategies to treat liver cancer;
- Surveillance of healthcare workers for SARS-CoV-2 infection and testing of a clinical follow-up model;
- Role of Toll like receptor 4 in opioid-induced microglia activation and tolerance.

Research lines - Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
- Neuro-degenerative disorders: molecular mechanisms, genetics, and studies of therapeutic interventions
- Autonomic nervous system on bronchial function, new pharmacological agents
- Enteric nervous system and immune system, search for therapeutic targets
- Cardiovascular diseases, aging, gender and pharmacological responses
- Antitumoral compounds and mechanisms in drug resistance
- Metabolomics and lipidomics studies to the identification of new drug targets
- Immune system and search for molecular pharmacological targets
- Pharmacological modulation of chronic inflammatory diseases
- Medicinal plants as source of pharmacological agents
- Phenotyping/genotyping and therapeutic monitoring to develop new diagnostic screening tests
- Pharmacokinetic studies in healthy and disease

Research lines - Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics
- Critical care therapy. Pain therapies, both intensive and hyperbaric
- Risk prevention and occupational medicine
- Airway inflammation induced by inhaled pollutants
- Environmental toxicology xenobiotics in the urban water cycle
- Development of new environmentally friendly and species-selective pesticides
- Clinical pharmacology and therapeutic drug monitoring
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Pharmacoeconomics
- Pharmacovigilance
