Biomedical Sciences
The purpose of the School is to educate in the field of Biomedical Sciences, combining a strong basic understanding of biological processes with the application of advanced experimental techniques.
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The School offers all the Facilities needed to perform cutting edge research in Biomedicine.
The goal of the program is to form an individual able to perform self-directed research and possessing a level of competence allowing the student to compete with the best International Schools for postdoctoral positions, and/or to enter competitive programs in Industries.
The PhD course includes a variety of themes, reflecting the richness and diversity of our scientific environment, like: Cell signaling, Mitochondrial Pathophysiology, Muscle Physiology in health and disease, Neuroscience, Computational and Structural Biology, Medical Biotecnology, Inflammation and immunity.
These topics cover several aspects of basic biomedical science and many of them have a high translational potential that make our students capable to approach a wide range of research fields after their PhD.
Overseas applicants are strongly encouraged and all research and teaching are conducted in English, fostering the creation of a multicultural and multilingual community.
Although the major emphasis of the Program is in experimental research, we also provide ample learning opportunities through weekly Journal Clubs, dedicated Courses and a large number of Seminars which cover most aspects of the Life Sciences.
In Progress Report students develop their teaching and lecture skills. During Courses and Seminars, they are trained in problem-solving, and acquire information from qualified investigators in fields that can be distant from their ongoing research activity, thus contributing to their overall vision of Biomedicine. In Journal Clubs, the students learn how to structure a scientific paper and to critically discuss the evidence presented in the manuscript.