MSCA PF Fellow: Ville Vaskonen

PDFProject:  CosmoBubbles - Gravitational waves and primordial black holes from cosmological phase transitions

Ville Vaskonen


MSCA Fellow: Ville Vaskonen

UNIPD Supervisor: Francesco D’Eramo 

Department: Physics and Astronomy 

Total Contribution: Euro 172.750,08 

Project Duration in months: 24

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Ville Vaskonen is a cosmologist. He got a PhD in theoretical physics at University of Jyväskylä in October 2016. Thereafter he has worked as a researcher at the Laboratory of High Energy and Computational Physics in Tallinn (2016-2018), at King’s College London (2018-2020), and at the Institute of High Energy Physics in Barcelona (2020-2022). His research interests range from cosmology and astrophysics to particle physics phenomenology. In 2022 he was awarded a MSCA fellowship for a project that focuses on gravitational wave probes of dark matter and early Universe cosmology. He will start in September 2022 at the Department of Physics and Astronomy under the supervision of Prof. Francesco D’Eramo.