MSCA IF Fellow: Antonella Pasquato
MSCA Fellow: Antonella Pasquato
UNIPD Supervisor: Monica Dettin
Department: Industrial Engineering
Total Contribution: Euro 257.209,92
Project Duration in months: 36
Start Date: 01/05/2021
End Date: 30/04/2024
Antonella Pasquato is an Italian fellow who obtained her PhD in chemistry at the University Federico II of Napoli studying HIV derived biomolecules. After a first experience at the University of Padua on the biochemical characterization of synthetic peptides, she decided to move abroad. During her four years postdoc at IRCM, Montreal Canada, Antonella specialized in cellular enzymology. She then joined a virology research center in Lausanne, Switzerland. Over the following ten years, she investigated the ability of emerging viruses to exploit cellular enzymes. Ultimately, she specialized in the development of screening assays to identify antivirals. She returns to Italy as a MSCA fellow presenting a project focused on the investigation of the SARS-CoV-2 spike maturation by cellular enzymes. These studies will provide key information for the following development of an innovative platform to search for anti-SARS-CoV-2 drugs. Antonella 's work will cover sustainability aspects in the context of research, as well. The project will be carried out at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII) of the university of Padua under the supervision of prof. Monica Dettin.