MSCA IF Fellow: Ana Paula Mendonça
Project: PHERADOA - Pharmacological therapy to curtail visual loss in ADOA mouse model
MSCA Fellow: Ana Paula Mendonça
UNIPD Supervisor: Luca Scorrano
Department: Biology
Total Contribution: Euro 171.473,28
Project Duration in months: 24
Start Date: 15/11/2021
End Date: 14/11/2023
Ana Paula Mendonça is a Brazilian fellow and obtained her Ph.D. in 2019 in biological chemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), where she worked on mitochondrial metabolism in brain cells under redox, metabolic, and social stress. In the last year of PhD (2018-2019), she made one year training in Universität Bremen (Germany) as a guest researcher funded by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). She has been awarded a H2020-MSCA-2020 Individual Fellowship, PHERADOA, which focuses on identifying a pharmacological therapy that curtails ADOA visual loss. This project will be carried out at the Department of Biology, University of Padua, under the supervision of Prof. Luca Scorrano.