The Teaching4Learning (T4L) project
Teaching4Learning @Unipd is the result of constant research carried out in the field of teaching in higher education and in international research groups that propose as their ultimate objective the innovation of university teaching. They aim to do so by promoting learner-centered approach, aligning with the proposals of European documents: Strategy 2020 (European Commission, 2010) and the Agenda for the modernization of the European higher education system.
The Teaching4Learning @Unipd is an actual plan for the development of teaching and e-learning skills of the teachers at the University of Padua.
The teachers voluntarily involved in the project is highly interested and motivated, with a significant driver to share their experience with other colleagues. In fact, at the end of the proposed training course, the expected result concerns the chance of creating a faculty learning community among the participants, with the aim of being able to support each other in teaching practices:
- Experimenting with and discovering together new teaching strategies to engage students, encouraging active and informed participation in teaching activities.
- Slowly de-privatizing their own teaching and sharing with colleagues teaching considerations and experiences;
- Progressively increasing the number of each faculty learning community through the involvement of other colleagues and female colleagues participating in the training activities.
- Observing each other while teaching in the classroom.
Teaching4Learning @Unipd aims to:
- Encourage the development of a deep awareness with respect to assumptions and values related to teaching and learning;
- Create a place for frank discussion in the field of teaching and learning; and
- Provide an opportunity to learn about active learning methods and techniques to encourage student participation and involvement;
- Share teaching practices and strategies in the faculty learning community;
- Provide opportunities to observe and be observed by peers in the classroom and provide and receive constructive feedback;
- Learn educational coaching practices to support colleagues in their teaching to develop effective practices to generate learning.
Some key instruments of the training paths:
- Learner-centered teaching
- Participatory learning methods
- Positive relationships with students
- Active learning
- Faculty learning community
- Group and teamwork
- Feedback and peer feedback
- Assessment for learning
- Self-directed teaching and learning
- Introduction to using Moodle
- Tools for teaching in Moodle
- Assessment methods and peer assessment in Moodle
- Videos and screencasts for teaching
- Tools for collecting data on teaching experiments
- Digital ink
The methodologies and techniques through which university teaching is carried out are often complemented by the strategic use of technology. In response to this need, the Digital Learning and Multimedia (DLM) office, has set up a web page dedicated to the use of new technologies for teaching, where are indicated:
- tools and courses available for teaching;
- guides and tutorials on the use of the various tools;
- services to support the University staff;
- possibility of requesting workshops and specific training activities, according to the needs of schools or departments; (in recent years, weekly workshop cycles have already been provided on the use of Moodle and new technologies for teaching)
Scientific coordination
The project is being coordinated by:
Marina De Rossi - Delegate of the Rector to Teacher Training and Innovative Didactics
Valentina De Marchi - Advisor to the project Teaching4Learning @Unipd
Carlo Mariconda - Advisor alla Didattica digitale
The project, from 2016 to 2021, was coordinated by:
Daniela Mapelli - Pro-Rector for Teaching.
Monica Fedeli - Didactics Advisor in charge of Innovative Didactics
Valentina De Marchi - Advisor to the project Teaching4Learning @Unipd
Carlo Mariconda - Advisor training in higher education, e-learning, and distance learning
Ufficio Offerta formativa
Settore Assicurazione della qualità e didattica innovativa
Tel. 049 827 6316 - 1246
Email: teaching4learning@unipd.it
Social network Teaching4learning