Change Agent Course
This Course to become Change Agent aims to train professors who wish to engage in the promotion of teaching and learning improvements, within the curricula of their department and at the university.
The course lasts one year and is divided into monthly meetings lasting 3/6 hours for a total of 50 hours.
Course content
- The role and functions of change agents: teaching and organizational development skills
- educational leadership: factors and dimensions
- strategies to promote the involvement of colleagues and students in the organization of teaching
- educational coaching tools to support colleagues to promote change
- methods and tools for self-assessment and reflection on teaching practices
- coordination and management of working groups
- characteristics and potential of a learning community
- peer observation
- criteria, descriptors and indicators for learning assessment
- action-research to study and improve individual teaching and study courses and to promote didactic innovation in departments
Participation is restricted to those who have attended both T4L1 and T4L2 courses.
If you are interested in becoming a Change Agent, please write to us at teaching4learning@unipd.it
Ufficio Offerta formativa
Settore Assicurazione della qualità e didattica innovativa
Tel. 049 827 6316 - 1246
Email: teaching4learning@unipd.it
Social network Teaching4learning