All professors and researchers who have recently done a T4L New Faculty and Base Course have the opportunity to participate in an afternoon of discussion on the strategies they have learnt during the T4L courses and that they have used, tried out, experimented in their own teaching.
They will share good practices and tools for feedback on their own teaching activities.
6 December 2023 from 14.30 to 17.30
Class 2C at the Centro Linguistico di Ateneo (CLA) in Via Venezia, 16 - Padova
Teacher: Prof. Edward Taylor
Registration by 29 November 2023
Ufficio Offerta formativa
Settore Assicurazione della qualità e didattica innovativa
Tel. 049 827 6316 - 1246
Email: teaching4learning@unipd.it
Social network Teaching4learning