Mooc: Teaching Online
Course for Full Professors, Associate Professors, Researchers on permanent contract, RTDB, RTDA (research contracts of type A and type B)
The course has a duration of 15 hours and participants are self-training.
The main contents are:
- Design an online course in moodle,
- Advantages and disadvantages of the modes: synchronous and asynchronous,
- Design of an online lesson integrating moodle tools,
- Development of online active learning strategies and techniques,
- Designing and managing online feedback processes,
- Design and management of processes and strategies for formative and summative evaluation, during the course and for online exams.
To enroll https://elearning.unipd.it/t4l/enrol/index.php?id=80
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Settore Assicurazione della qualità e didattica innovativa
Tel. 049 827 6316 - 1246
Email: teaching4learning@unipd.it
Social network Teaching4learning