A recently activated course aiming to train doctors with a holistic vision of individuals, attentive to the issues of health promotion, preventive medicine and global health, enhancing the international scope of the medical position, addressing an audience of international students. The new educational organisation based on integrated courses, active involvement, the use of English as a target language and the clinical approach from the first year will allow you to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to operate modern medicine even in multicultural contexts. You will acquire an Italian qualification that will give you the opportunity to access specialist schools in the medical field and will allow you to enter the job market in public or private structures (also as a freelancer), working both independently and in teams.
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Characteristics and objectives
The Single-Cycle Master Degree in Medicine and Surgery has the main objective to train competent doctors, able to practice modern medicine in clinical and biomedical fields, ranging from health promotion to prevention and treatment of diseases, including highly critical and complex situations, even in international contexts.
To reach this goal, the training program aims to increase the international profile of the medical doctor, using teaching methods already validated at international level and based on integrated learning strategies, with a gradual approach to clinical practice from the first year, and with the active involvement of the student using Problem-Based Solving methods. We intend to train a doctor with a holistic vision of the human being, with particular attention to health promotion, preventive medicine and global health.
The use of English as a vehicular language allows to train doctors who will be able to interact with English-speaking patients of different nationalities, to make the best use of information tools (from database to conferences, courses, webinars, etc.) for their continuous updating and possible research activity, and to provide access to further levels of specialization or working activities also in international settings. Moreover, the use of English could encourage mobility experiences, both for students and teachers, to and from European and extra-European universities.
Since one of the expected effects of globalization in the health field is the possibility of patients to access foreign centers, the graduate in Medicine and Surgery will easily interact with patients and international colleagues or in contexts of intervention on multicultural populations.
The course is offered both to Italian students who wish to acquire an international dimension, and also to EU and non-EU students.
The course is organized in 6 years and leads to acquire 360 ECTS, of which 60 ECTS are dedicated to professional activities, according to current Italian and European legislation. Internships for medical license account for 15 out of 60 ECTS to be achieved for the medical degree.
The first year includes the acquisition of basic knowledge of biochemistry, medical physics and of tissue and molecular organization of the organs, the introduction of the student to the basic concepts of the medical activity (The Approach to patients), which includes aspects of bioethics, psychology and an initial course dedicated to 'Interview and data collection' that immediately brings the student closer to the clinical field.
The second year provides knowledge on the morphology and normal functioning of the organs, through the integration of anatomy and physiology, provides the basis of immunology and infections and an integrated approach of the knowledge of the nervous system that includes aspects of anatomy, physiology, imaging and neurology. It also includes the acquisition of the principles of biostatistics and big data handling.
In the third-year principles of physical signs, mechanisms of diseases, pharmacology and clinical and instrumental diagnostics are provided. From the fourth to the fifth year the preparation is aimed at the acquisition of clinical skills, through courses addressed to the various districts of the body, including medical and surgical aspects, in addition to public health related issues. The sixth year is focused to increase clinical skills of the students, applying the knowledge and scientific methodology previously acquired through the examination of clinical cases. Finally, the preparation of the thesis is an important step for the development of original speculative skills based on the scientific methodology.
Occupational opportunities
The employment opportunities for the medical doctors are:
- Public and private clinics.
- Hospitals and specialized centers.
- Universities and research centers.
- National and international health and humanitarian organizations.
The medical doctor is involved in any activity related to the maintenance of the health status of the human being, as established by European Union regulations, and in accordance with the definition of health of the World Health Organization, considered as a situation characterized by a complete physical, mental and social well-being and not simply from the absence of illness.
The master degree in Medicine and Surgery is a compulsory requirement in order to access to the medical specialization schools and at the same time provides for the licensing of the medical-surgical profession.