Call for Applications - A.Y. 2025/26
- Call One: 2 November 2024 - 2 February 2025 APPLICATION PLATFORM
A newly activated course in English, aiming to train professionals in the theory and applications of physical methodologies for the exploration and characterization of the subsoil with a multidisciplinary approach. The aim of the course extends to multiple areas, focusing on study of the soil and subsoil: from the search for mining and energy geo-resources, to the characterization of the subsoil for renewable energies, to the application of non-invasive techniques to civil and environmental engineering up to geological description linked to hydrogeological and seismic risk. You can take on roles of responsibility in the energy industry, both fossil and renewable, or work as a freelancer in the area of protection and management of the territory, as in the drafting and management of safety and emergency plans.
Find out more
Characteristics and objectives
The Master's course in Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources has the main goal of educating professionals and researchers capable of approaching in a multi-disciplinary manner the theory and applications of physical methodologies for the exploration and characterization of the subsoil. This exploration can take place ad different spatial scales, from meters to tens and hundreds of kilometers, with aims spanning a large number of application and theoretical areas where the knowledge of soil and subsoil is crucial, such as:
- Search for mining and energy resources
- Subsoil characterization for renewable energies such as geothermal energy
- Non invasive techniques for civil and environmetnal engineering, including geotechnical applications
- Engineering geology characterization with specific attention to hillslope stability and hydrological risks in general.
- Characterization for seismic risk both at global (fault presence and nature) and local (amplification mechanisms) scales.
- Application to built structures, with specific reference to the historical buildings, foundations and soil-structure interactions.
- Applied Geodesy to study Earth's dynamics
The offer of courses has been constructed with two goals in mind: (i) educating professionals in the geophysical sector with a wide and solid quantitative background, thus capable of accessing a number of careers in industry and research; (ii) attracting students from different backgrounds and produce graduates with a fluid interaction with the international geophysical community.
In order to satisfy the requirements of the job environment, two majors are foreseen:
(a) a computational specialization, tentatively directed towards large scale geophysical applications (e.g. 3D and 4D seismics) with a predominant role in mining and energy subsoil exploration, bit also for satellite applications.
(b) a field specialization, with applications directed towards the management of natural resources and environmental and engineering disciplines, with the aim of educating independent professionals.
Occupational opportunities
The graduate in Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources will find job opportunities mainly as:
- Exploration Geophysicist
- Applied and Environmental Geophysicist
In all cases, the graduate can access the regulated profession of Geologist. Also, the graduate can access a research career in Earth Sciences, and to this end the students will be encouraged to continue their studies through Ph.D. both at the national and international levels.
For the Exploration Geophysicist the main job opportunities will be as a high level employee in the private sector, with competences and responsibilities in Earth Sciences, in particular in the fossile and renewable energy industries, where geophysical exploration is at the heart of the industrial practice.
The graduate will easy access jobs, also in the international markets, in large energy companies and service companies, as well as in large engineering companies operating at an international level for large construction works.
For the Engineering and Environmental Geophysicist the main job opportunities will be as an independent professional or a high level employee in the public or private sectors, with competences and responsibilities in Earth Sciences or in Enrvironmental Engineering. A typical area of application will be in the management of the territory, both in the public administration (local and regional governments, civil protection) and with private bodies. The access to the regulated profession of Senior Geologist is also a viable option. In this respect the graduate will be able to act as a consultant for a variety of industrial sectors, e.g. civil engineering companies but also insurance enterprises. The acquired competences particularly in the mitigation of natural risks (seismic and hydrological in particular) can be utilized for professional and consultant activities for local, national and international companies, also with reference to national and EU level projects.
International Double Degree Programs
Students enrolled in this Master's degree program have the opportunity to apply for a double degree program in Geophysics with the University of Bonn (Germany). Over the course of two years, students can earn two degrees: the Master's degree in Geophysics for Natural Risks and Resources (UNIPD) and the Master of Science in Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere (Bonn).
For more information about the program and applications, please contact the Department of Geosciences.