Call for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2025/26
- Call One: 2 November 2024 - 2 February 2025 APPLICATION PLATFORM
The Master’s degree programme provides key skills to fulfil management, R&D and production roles in the aerospace industry and in the many industries that provide services or supply components to it. The programme offers both strong theoretical courses and applied research-oriented teachings, preparing students to develop advanced technologies for the society of the future. Students may choose one of the two curricula provided within the programme, focusing respectively on Space and Aeronautics technologies
Aeronautics; Space
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Characteristics and objectives
Students should expect a challenging programme with a specific focus on the design, construction, maintenance, management and testing of space and aeronautical vehicles (both with rotary and fixed wings) with the relevant subsystems. The course synopsis is split into two different pathways: one for students with a deeper interest in aeronautics and the other for those with a preference for aerospace. Both pathways are made up of two components:
a) A broad understanding of a number of important modules in industrial engineering common to both pathways. These include aerospace structures, manufacturing technologies, on-board systems and structural dynamics;
b) A more pathway-specific focus on strictly aerospace or aeronautics-related modules. The former include astrodynamics, asset control, space propulsion and space measurements, the latter encompass aeronautical propulsion, flight dynamics, aeronautics systems and materials.
Occupational opportunities
Our MEng course aims at providing graduates with the skills required by national and international aerospace companies and with the right profile to match recruitment criteria for agencies as well as public and private bodies in the aerospace sector.
In detail, our aeronautic pathway aims at producing engineers highly skilled in the management, maintenance and conversion of aircraft.
Our aerospace pathway gives to graduates the capability to take part in space mission activities as the course provides them with the necessary toolkit to define the mission profile, the scientific and technical requirements and to translate mission objectives into the language of structural engineering, design and testing.
Our graduates can expect to find jobs around the world in the best companies and research centres, thanks to their acquired skills which enable them to thrive in the aerospace and aeronautics sectors.
Aeronautics; Space
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Double degree opportunities
Students enrolled in this Master's degree course will be offered the opportunity to apply for a T.I.M.E. - Top International Managers in Engineering - double degree with several internationally renowned universities and polytechnics in Europe and Asia. At the end of the double degree programme, students will obtain a UNIPD Master's Degree and a Master's Degree awarded by the host university.
For more information on the programme and how to apply, visit this page.