Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
A course that provides an in-depth scientific training in the disciplines necessary for the study of the Earth system, in its theoretical, experimental and technical applications. You will master the scientific method of investigation and the techniques of analysis, modelling of geological data and management processes and their applications, the expertise needed for the restoration and conservation of the quality of geological systems and those necessary to prevent their degradation. You will be able to work as a freelancer or as an employee, even at top positions, in local or national entities for planning, design, works management, testing and monitoring of geological interventions, coordination and / or management of technical-management structures, thanks to the innovative methodologies acquired.
Earth Dynamics; Geologia applicata alla difesa del suolo e dell’ambiente
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Characteristics and objectives
The Master' Degree course in Environmental Geology and Earth Dynamics provides the cultural tools and skills necessary to carry out worldwide professional and research work in all fields of geology. Through significant experimental field and laboratory work, students are encouraged to develop autonomous skills of critical analysis, decision-making and interdisciplinary vision that are of fundamental importance in the professional practice of the geologist. This Master's Degree is the ideal continuation for students who, after the Bachelor's Degree, intend to move towards the freelance profession of geologist or work as employees with responsibility and management positions in various sectors of industry and services, in public and private agencies, and in the public administration.
The Master's Degree course is organized in two study tracks, each one providing specific skills within the framework of the broad profession of geologist.
The study track in Geologia Applicata alla Difesa del Suolo e dell'Ambiente (delivered mostly in Italian) focuses on the engineering geology. It provides the students with theoretical background and practical skills on the study, monitoring and modeling of slope stability, the retrieval and quantification of groundwater resources, soil and subsoil pollution and remediation, geological project design for soil and environmental protection, application of geological and remote sensing techniques for the assessment of geological instability and hazard, analytical methods of geomaterials for industrial applications.
The study track in Earth Dynamics, delivered in English, combines a thorough study of the dynamics and evolutionary processes of the Earth with the application of the most advanced techniques of acquisition, processing, analysis and representation of geological data. Geodynamics, mineralogical and petrological processes of the deep Earth are addressed with a multidisciplinary and integrated approach, as well as the surface geomorphological and sedimentary processes and their multiple interactions with the evolution of past life and climates. Insights are provided on earthquake geology and on the prospection and sustainable management of georesources for the energy and mining industry. Skills are acquired on the analytical techniques applied to natural and synthetic geomaterials and the protection and restoration of stone materials, as well as on the application of remote sensing to geosciences. A course entirely dedicated to planetary geology offers the possibility of a first approach to this new and rapidly growing field of application of the geosciences.
An agreement with the Department of Geosciences of the Goethe-University Frankfurt allows meritorious students of the Earth Dynamics study track to study in Frankfurt for a whole semester.
All topics covered by different courses of the two study tracks are further developed in the degree thesis, which takes up the entire second semester of the second year of the course. Internships in private companies, public agencies and research centers are envisaged, with the purpose of allowing the students to get in touch with the real world of work and research, in Italy and abroad. The Department of Geosciences of the University of Padova benefits of a consolidated network of collaborations with universities, research organizations, companies, public agencies dedicated to the administration of the territory, as well as with the Italian Professional Association of Geologists (Ordine nazionale dei Geologi).
Occupational opportunities
The graduates of the Master's Degree in Environmental Geology and Earth Dynamics can work as freelance professional geologist in Italy, after passing the ‘Esame di Stato' and subsequent enrollment in the 'section A' of the register of the Italian Professional Association of Geologists (Ordine nazionale dei Geologi).
She/he can find highly qualified jobs, including managerial roles, in geological survey companies and engineering companies, in large companies in the energy, mining and construction sectors, in analysis and research laboratories, in local, national and international, public and private bodies and organizations, in Italy and abroad.
Graduates who have sufficient credits in appropriate groups of sectors will be able to participate in the admission tests for teaching in the Italian secondary school system, according to current legislation.
Earth Dynamics; Geologia applicata alla difesa del suolo e dell’ambiente