Call for applications (NON-EU students) - A.Y. 2025/26:
Non-EU students: 7 January 2025- 7 March 2025 - APPLICATION PLATFORM
Please check the Call for admissions for non-EU students
- EU students and Non-EU students already residing in Italy: 7 March 2025 - 7 April 2025 - APPLICATION PLATFORM
Please check the Call for admission for EU students
The Master’s degree offers knowledge and practical skills in different sectors of Psychology, in order to diversify the psychologist’s toolbox across interventions regarding mental health, individuals at work and societies. Contemporary societies are increasingly complex and multifaceted, requiring psychologists to deal with interculturality and multiple ethnicities in their work with both individuals and the community.
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Characteristics and objectives
Many recent societal challenges (e.g., Europe's refugee crisis, the rise of political extremism, etc.) require expert and thoughtful consideration of people's mobility, inclusion and diversity. Across the globe and in Europe in particular, specialists in intergroup relations and cultural diversity are needed who can act effectively with multicultural audiences and who can foster the well-being of the individual within a multicultural setting in various public and private institutions such as industries, organizations, schools, and health services. The core theme of this International Master's course is Interculturality and its expression in the main diverse areas of Psychology: Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology and Work and Organizational Psychology, Biological Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Psychometrics. The supplementary teachings of the Degree course have been planned in such a way that they will cover Interculturality through Philosophy, Pedagogy and Sociology. Thus, across all teachings, particular attention will be paid to the intercultural confrontation which is underway in our current society in discontinuity with the past and with traditional psychology. Any psychological intervention at clinical or educational level, such as social mediation or interventions in the workplace, must take into account the broader social context characterized by multiculturalism. Students will receive in-depth training in theoretical foundations, research and practical application in order to develop mastery in psychological intervention in cross-cultural settings, an indispensable resource within today's global knowledge and multicultural work environments. The training will include how to understand the role of intergroup relations and culture in society and develop research and interventions to better address a wide range of complex social issues (including migration) in contemporary societies. The degree course lasts two years and includes activities such as lectures and activities in small groups. An internship will allow the application of the acquired knowledge in organizations external to the University. The writing of a thesis and its discussion are the final steps of graduation. During the degree course experiences abroad (e.g., Erasmus project) will be greatly encouraged.
Admission is only for students with a Psychology background (Bachelor's or equivalent degree in Psychology) and a certification of knowledge of English at least B2 level. Only the final Bachelor's score or the average score of exams is considered
for accessing the Master's. In the event of an equivalent score among candidates, will any documented internship experiences be evaluated.
Pursuant to Law no. 163 of 8 November 2021 and subsequent implementation decrees, the holders of a Master's degree in Clinical, Social and Intercultural Psychology are qualified to work as professional psychologists in Italy, or they can access to PhD courses in Psychology.
Occupational opportunities
This International Master's degree course expresses the specific profile of a psychologist equipped to work in a variety of contexts with multicultural users: e.g., in health services, in primary and secondary schools, in industry and organizations, in multicultural teams as a community mediator or as an expert in counselling or even as member of NGOs to lead development processes. In all these areas sensitivity to cross-cultural diversity and knowledge of cultural integration find their best application in consideration of societal changes and global mobility of people. The consequences on the structure of the community, on families, on workplaces and on health services will be enormous and psychologists with specific competencies in cultural diversity will be needed. The programme complies with international legal requirements regarding the registration and use of the Italian title 'psychologist', significantly improving the employability of psychology graduates.
Pursuant to Law no. 163 of 8 November 2021 and subsequent implementation decrees, the holders of a Master's degree in Clinical, Social and Intercultural Psychology are qualified to work as professional psychologists in Italy, or they can access to PhD courses in Psychology.