Call for Applications (international students) - A.Y. 2025/26
- Call One: 2 November 2024 - 2 February 2025 APPLICATION PLATFORM
AMASE; Advanced Materials Technologies; Functional Materials
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Characteristics and objectives
The master's degree course in Materials Engineering trains a professional profile with specific knowledge oriented to find the best solutions for the design, development and production of materials and their transformation, recycling and utilization processes.
The Master Degree Course therefore pursues the following specific objectives.
Acquisition of mastery of the scientific method of investigation and laboratory instrumentation, in-depth expertise in the selection and implementation of materials according to the particular conditions of use, in the development of new materials or combinations of materials and in the redefinition and extension of the areas of use of traditional and advanced materials. Acquire a solid background in traditional and innovative materials production and processing technologies and the ability to conceive, plan, design and manage complex and/or innovative processes.
The full programme is available at https://en.didattica.unipd.it/
Occupational opportunities
The Materials Engineer can find job opportunities in the field of design, realization and development of products or complex and innovative processes in companies which produce or use materials as well as in research institutes and laboratories dealing with innovative materials.
AMASE; Advanced Materials Technologies; Functional Materials
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Double degree opportunities
Students enrolled in this Master's degree course will be offered the opportunity to apply for a T.I.M.E. - Top International Managers in Engineering - double degree with several internationally renowned universities and polytechnics in Europe and Asia. At the end of the double degree programme, students will obtain a UNIPD Master's Degree and a Master's Degree awarded by the host university.
For more information on the programme and how to apply, visit this page.