Technical Sciences and Diagnostic for Health Professions course graduates will deepen the professional skills developed during the three-year degree course. Covering theoretical and scientific points of view, the course provides the knowledge and skills to pursue careers across various roles of in the organization and management of health services. The course offers fundamental ethical dimensions across all organizational and management strategies. Learn to work with others while optimizing human, technical and economic resources. The course includes basic biological and clinical knowledge. Learn about careers in healthcare while the transversal classroom tutorial activities prepare you to work in public or private structures that carry out diagnosis, treatment, teaching, and research activities.
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Characteristics and objectives
The master's degree program trains graduates with appropriate knowledge and skills to contribute to the operational organization of technical-healthcare personnel.
The figures who co-operate in this activity are required to have scientific, technical, ethical, organizational skills and relational and teaching skills, topics covered with different levels of detail in the teachings of the Master's Degree Course.
The teaching concerning scientific skills and knowledge concerns the theory and application of the scientific method, including the basic biological and clinical knowledge necessary for the interaction between operators in the healthcare area.
The teaching concerning technical skills and knowledge enhances and expands the previous professional training and offers the necessary information on the organizational processes of the technical areas not included in the educational path of origin.
The didactics concerning ethical skills and knowledge enhances ethics as an inspiration for the organizational and managerial strategies of the health professions.
The teaching concerning organizational skills and knowledge has the purpose of educating in the appropriate use of human, technical and economic resources. The educational project includes references to the legislative and regulatory context in which these activities take place. The training plan includes specific contents on the 'Quality of the health product'.
The teaching concerning the skills and knowledge necessary to carry out teaching and/or tutorial activities has the aim of training in teaching and in the organization and coordination of professional updating. Teachings aimed at developing the capacity and quality of interpersonal relationships are imparted.
Occupational opportunities
The occupational opportunities for people that have achieved the master's degree consist in sanitary structures (private or public) that conduct activities of diagnosis, therapy, assistance, teaching and scientific research.