Call for Applications - A.Y. 2025/26
- Call One: 2 November 2024 - 2 February 2025 APPLICATION PLATFORM
A course which explores the specific themes of evolutionary mechanisms and dynamics, reproductive and adaptive strategies, training experts with advanced and operational preparation in the field of biodiversity and capable of applying this knowledge to safeguarding our biological heritage. You will acquire interdisciplinary skills that integrate animal, plant and ecological expertise with those of physiology, molecular genetics, statistics and bioinformatics, which will allow you to work as a biologist, but also to operate in sectors of industry, trade and public administration in entities responsible for environmental protection, enhancement and management or environmental education, or at firms engaged in the field of environmental impact assessment.
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Characteristics and objectives
The master degree will complete the three-year Biology degree, providing up-to-date knowledge about biodiversity, and including theoretical and applicative aspects. The student will be able to apply these knowledges to management and conservation of biological resources.
The courses will allow the student to acquire expertise and skills in methods for the study of biodiversity and its conservation. In addition, after completion of the master, the student can sustain the state qualification test for being a professional biologist in Italy (Albo dei Biologi. Sez. A).
Occupational opportunities
The formation obtained thanks to the Evolutionary Biology master allows reaching leadership roles in public and private institutions devoted to the safeguard, enhancement and management of the environment and biological resources. In addition, it will be possible to be employed in the field of environmental education/outreach and in research institutions. It will also possible, to act as consultants in environmental impact assessments, in projects of responsible management of natural resources, in restocking plans, and to perform research in universities, public and private research institutions and industries.