Call for Applications (international students) - A.Y. 2025/26
- Call One: 2 November 2024 – 2 February 2025 - APPLICATION PLATFORM
Divided into three curricula: Accounting, Control and Corporate Finance (taught in English), Banking and Finance (taught in English) and Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale (taught partially in Italian and partially in English).
The degree course combines business and economics with legal and quantitative languages to uncover the phenomena of finance. Graduates can pursue careers in corporate administration and finance, banking and insurance institutions, or as business consultants.
Accounting, Control and Corporate Finance; Banking and Finance; Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale
Find out more
Characteristics and objectives
The Master's degree in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting (MAFiB) aims at training professionals able to successfully operate in the fields of Accounting and Finance in industrial companies, financial and insurance institutions, and consultancy firms.
The master's degree offers a unique interaction among business, economic, legal and quantitative languages to make graduates able to understand the main business and financial phenomena and to formulate appropriate interventions and improvement strategies.
Graduates will be able to produce and analyze financial information to support the decision-making processes, to prepare reports aimed at informing internal and external stakeholders, and to identify the right investment decisions and properly manage risks.
The programme lasts two years and is divided into three curricula: Accounting, Control and Corporate Finance (taught in English), Banking and Finance (taught in English) and Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale (taught partially in Italian and partially in English).
Occupational opportunities
This Master's degree prepares students for a wide variety of careers.
Each curriculum is anchored to well-defined job descriptions:
- The curriculum in 'Accounting, control and corporate finance', offers training to successfully enter the accounting and finance department of local or multinational companies as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or controller.
- The curriculum 'Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale', is aimed at those who aspire to develop a career as a business consultant and facilitates the access to the exam for Chartered Accountant.
- The curriculum 'Banking and Finance', is aimed at those who aspire to a managerial career in financial or insurance institutions.
All three curricula allow access to PhD programs that offer an accounting or finance path.
Accounting, Control and Corporate Finance; Banking and Finance; Consulenza e Direzione Aziendale
Double degree opportunity
Students enrolled in this Master's degree programme will be offered the opportunity to participate in a double degree programme in Finance with the Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College - City University of New York (USA) in order to obtain, over the course of 2 years, a double degree: the Master of Science in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting (UNIPD) and the Master of Science in Finance (Zicklin Business School).