Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
A master's course that spans different classes in the socio-educational area with the common objective of preparing managers in the educational and training professions by including a dialogue between professional organizations and the community. With LM 57 (Adult Education and Continuing Education Sciences) students will specialize in training, organizational development, human resource management, and professional orientation. With LM 50 (Programming and Management of Educational Services) students will develop the skills for managing socio-educational services of individuals and organizations. Students can pursue careers in the fields of adult education, continuous learning, and human resource management (LM 57) or the management of educational and rehabilitation services connected to the work and life situations. (LM 50).
Continuing education and management; Management dei servizi educativi e formazione continua
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Characteristics and objectives
The Management of Educational Services and Continuing Education (M.Ed) Program focus is to train managers in the field of education and training professions. There are two curricula LM57 and LM50 in this program with converging and diverging professional interests in the socio educational field. LM57 focuses on the development of expert skills in training and organizational development, human resource management and educational guidance in employment services while LM-50 focuses on the coordination skills and management of socio-educational services, education and training addressed at the individual and at organizations.
Both of these degrees offer courses and some activities in English, as well as opportunities for exchanges within the Erasmus program thanks to specific agreements, an international Blended Intensive Programme which takes place every year in February in Germany (Würzburg) at the Julius-Maximilians University and in the same university, from the a.a. 2022-23 is activated an international double degree programme that enables the acquisition of two national degrees awarded by the universities involved. The Double Degree program provides for a shared curriculum, with a first year at Padua and a second year at Wurzburg.
The course is blended (mixed), with activities in the classroom (50%) and online activities (50%). Some courses also include laboratories in presence of compulsory attendance. There is an internship to be held at institutions affiliated with the University of Padua, in Italy or abroad.
The course shares a project that promotes dialogue with organizations and professional communities, through which selected graduates carry out research for their thesis in organizations.
Occupational opportunities
This degree aims to prepare professionals in adult education, continuing education, and in management and development of human resources. Its purpose is to develop skills in training and coordination of training activities, personnel evaluation and certification of skills in organizations (businesses, services, training agencies). It provides graduates in-depth knowledge from the educational, psychological, sociological, philosophical and economic fields; develops skills and abilities to work in education and training using appropriate methods and technologies; offers opportunities for action research in organizations and developing tools for educational and professional guidance.
Moreover, this degree prepares graduates to be qualified experts in the management, coordination, organization and evaluation of educational services, rehabilitation and training related to different work situations (local, regional, national, European).
It aims to train professionals to work effectively in the education, and training related to individual and social issues, with a peculiar attention to individual with specific needs and social and cultural rights. Specifically this degree intends to provide: knowledge and skills in pedagogical sciences, sociological, psychological, philosophical and economic, with particular reference to the management of different types of educational services.
Continuing education and management; Management dei servizi educativi e formazione continua
Double degree opportunity
Students enrolled in this programme will be offered the chance to participate in a double degree opportunity with the Julius-Maximilians-Universität in Würzburg (Germany), in order to obtain two Master’s degrees in two years: the Master of Science Degree in Management of Educational Services and Continuing Education (UNIPD) and a Master of Arts in Educational Science (Bildungswissenschaft, Fachspezifische Bestimmungen für das Studienfach Bildungswissenschaft mit dem Abschluss Master of Arts) from the University of Würzburg.