Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
Curriculum: Applied sciences to cultural heritage materials and sites
A course that places students at the heart of archelogy studies and the history of pre-protohistoric, classical, and medieval art with strong methodological skills and in-depth knowledge of ancient history and written sources. Students will train in the management and enhancement of the archaeological, artistic, documentary, and monumental heritage. Students will carry out surveys and classify finds with IT and telematic tools. Students will complete the theoretical training with field experience at archaeological sites by consolidating the methodologies of stratigraphic excavation and territorial surface recognition, as well as graphic, photographic, and topographical instrumentation of reliefs and archaeological data computer processing. Students can pursue careers as superintendents at museums, archaeological parks, and research organizations.
Applied sciences to cultural heritage materials and sites; Metodi e prospettive per lo studio delle culture
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Characteristics and objectives
The degree course provides advanced scientific, speculative, and operational methodological skills in the field of archeology and of pre-protohistoric, classical and medieval art, supported on the one hand by knowledge of ancient history and written sources, and on the other by expertise in the chemical, physical and geological sciences applied to cultural heritage.
The course develops skills in the cataloging, diagnostic, conservation, management, and enhancement of archeological, artistic, documentary, and monumental heritage with the addition of IT technology and telematic communication. Applications involve surveying monuments and archeological sites, the classification of archeological finds, the elaboration of images, and the IT management of scientific texts. Degree coursework entails theoretical training combined with hands-on experience (internships and laboratories) at archeological sites to consolidate previously acquired skills in the methodological context of stratigraphic archeological excavations, territorial surface reconnaissance, the use of graphic, photographic and topographic surveying instruments, and the IT processing of archeological data.
Occupational opportunities
The degree course trains archeologists qualified in the following contexts: in institutions (Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio, national museums, archeological parks, regional superintendence offices); in companies, cooperatives, and private groups that collaborate with the authorities in charge of archaeological heritage protection, enhancement and diagnostics applied to cultural heritage. Graduates are also specially equipped to act as consultants for the planning and management of archeological parks and sites; as teaching staff for state and civic museums; expert collaborators with research bodies involved with archeological heritage activities in public and private institutions, such as municipalities, provinces, regions, and foundations; as collaborators with publishers, journals, and other media specialized in the field of archeology.
Applied sciences to cultural heritage materials and sites; Metodi e prospettive per lo studio delle culture
Double degree opportunities
Students enrolled in this Master's degree programme will be offered the opportunity to apply for two double degree programmes: a double degree in Archaeometry with the Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France) and a double degree in Maritime Archaeological Heritage with the University of Haifa (Israel) in order to obtain, within two years, a double degree: the Master's Degree in Archaeological Sciences (UNIPD) and the Master's Degree awarded by the partner university.
For more information on the programme and how to apply, contact the Cultural Heritage Department Secretariat.