Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Sustainability
Class: LM-49 - Tourism development and management

Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
This master's degree course provides solid theoretical-cultural and practical skills to design and implement tourism offers and proposals that enhance the cultural and environmental resources of a territory in compliance with the principles of sustainable and durable tourism. The Course trains operators capable of coordinating several territoritorial entities, and they will be able to read their potential of tourist attraction while respecting their different identities. Graduates will become experts in the field of communication and promotion of tourist destinations and products, and interact with local entities and creative companies to design new forms of narration of the territory, also through the use of smart technologies and new media.
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Characteristics and objectives
The course Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Sustainability aims at training professionals with a solid background on material, immaterial and landscape heritage, with the competences to analyse their potentialities and to contextualise them in historical and territorial terms and thus to design and develop a quality tourism offer. Additionally, learning outcomes include a deep knowledge on economic, geographic and social sciences in order to promote a sustainable tourism. A third teaching area include technical and technological disciplines, applied to data analysis and new media to forecast trends in tourism and the economical sustainability of the offers in the medium and long term.
Students with a bachelor's degree in Tourism science can access directly to the course, while other students should have a minimum number of credits in the areas that are distinctive of the course. For admission there is no threshold on the mark of the bachelor's degree.
The course promotes international exchange initiatives, both within Erasmus+ program and within specific actions to be carried out during stages and research collaborations.
Occupational opportunities
The target job position is a professional expert in the study and design of a tourism offer, with a focus on valorisation of cultural and environmental resources of a region in full respect of the principles for a sustainable and durable tourism, as expressed by the national and regional guidelines of the strategic plans for tourism. A graduate student shall hold communication and promotion competences and shall be able to cooperate and coordinate the different local realities of a destination, by organising promotion campaigns, by mining and understanding tourism data and by exploiting new technologies.
A graduate in Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Sustainability can finalise his academic training attending the PhD course in History, Criticism and Conservation of Cultural Heritage.