Government sciences and public policies
Class: LM-63 - Public administration

Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
Through two curricula, the first being European Governance that focused on European private law and local development policies, and the second as Government of Administrations that focuses on the performance and service evaluation and employment law in with the public sector. This course provides the skills necessary to understand the operating mechanisms, policies, and innovation strategies of public and private organizations and prepares students in becoming professionals capable of managing the programming, evaluation, and implementation processes of public policies. Students will study political administration, economic, statistical, legal, and management disciplines. Students will be given the tools needed to work in different contexts such as a consultant or manager in public administration, with evaluation teams, in internal control services, as well as with associations representing interests and professions, in consultancy companies, and research institutions.
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Characteristics and objectives
The Course of study aims to provide knowledge and skills in the political-administrative, economic, statistical, legal and managerial disciplines for the understanding of innovation policies and strategies in public and private organizations, and to manage or cooperate with the management of the processes of programming, evaluation and implementation of public policies, as well as related regulatory and negotial processes. It also provides tools to manage citizenship activation processes both in face-to-face interactions and in virtual dimensions.
The Course includes a set of basic classes in the fields of the science of administration and public policies, aiming to provide a broad picture of the skills useful to the administrations seen as organizations -and their ways of operating. In this perspective, the knowledge related to the science of administration is combined with economic courses oriented to the themes of development and planning; with administrative law and Community law, which combine to provide the skills to communicate in globalized environments; with courses aimed at providing the critical tools for the processes of opinion formation and collective decisions and for the collection and processing of information which will be used as the basis for planning and evaluation.
The training activity is divided into a widely common path and is specified through two curricula (limited to some courses): European Governance and Government of the administrations.
The European Governance curriculum offers essential tools such as the study of European private law and European Union policies for local development; these are backed by classes in the historical and political field, aimed at inserting the skills acquired in the trends and dynamics of the European area.
The curriculum in Government of Administration is characterized by the study of the evaluation of performance and services and of labor law in the public sector. These disciplines are complemented by others, of a historical and legal nature, aimed at deepening the knowledge about the characteristics of public administrations, the relationships between them and citizenship, as well as on central issues for the organization and design of services, such as the protection of health, of the user and of the consumer.
Occupational opportunities
Those who graduate will be able to find employment at a managerial level in public administrations or as a consultant for the latter, in evaluation units and internal control services, in legislative assemblies, in associations representing interests and professions, in consultancy companies, in research institutions, in companies or associations that cooperate with the public administration. He will also be able to analyze, plan and support, in the roles mentioned above, the decision-making, the implementation and the evaluation processes of public policies.