Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
A course that explores philosophical problems and their historical development from a theoretical and methodological point of view. Students will develop the conceptual analysis and the relationships between philosophy, science, religion, art, and politics. Students will build a pathway towards cultural interests with the opportunity to follow a joint degree course at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. Students will acquire skills that encapsulate the demands of the contemporary workplace, from continuous learning to creative problem solving, from the ability to offer different points of view to critical thinking. Students will be able to carry out activities in the fields of philosophical consultancy, applied ethics, cultural communication, promotion of intercultural exchanges, production of services, as well as the training and management of human resources.
Find out more
Characteristics and objectives
The Master of Arts in Philosophical Sciences provides an education that deepens both theoretically and methodologically:
a) knowledge of philosophical problems in historical and theoretical perspectives;
b) skills in conceptual analysis;
c) knowledge of logical-argumentative structures;
d) knowledge of the relationship among philosophical concepts and scientific, political, artistic, and religious ideas.
Within this framework, the degree program enables students to shape specialized study plans, fitting their own intellectual interests. In order to enhance the international appeal of the Master's degree, some courses are held in English. Moreover, in conjunction with the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, our students may choose to pursue a double degree program on 'German Idealism and Modern European Philosophy'.
Occupational opportunities
Proficiency in both knowledge of the history of philosophy and logical-argumentative skills, besides training in autonomous and original thinking through the preparation of a dissertation, concur to make the graduate's profile eligible for various working fields. In fact, those features match some of the needs of the present job market. In particular the graduates' learning abilities, problem solving skills and the ability to adopt different perspectives on a topic can qualify them for jobs in philosophical counseling, counseling and education in applied ethics and cultural communication, as well as in all the areas requiring specific expertise accompanied by critical thinking, originality of perspectives and skills in writing and communicating, as, e.g., promotion and care of cultural exchanges, production of services, training and management of human resources within the public sector or private companies, management of publishing initiatives, cultural and social activities both in the private as well as in the third sector and in the public administration. Graduates will also be eligible for teaching and researching (PhD) in philosophy, according to the current Italian laws.
Double degree opportunities
No.5 students enrolled in this Master's degree course will be offered the opportunity to participate in a double degree programme in Philosophy with Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) in order to obtain, over the course of two years, a double degree: the Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Filosofiche (UNIPD) and the M.A. Philosophie (Jena).
For more information on the programme and how to apply, contact the Secretariat of the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology.