History of art
Class: LM-89 - Art history

Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
A course that offers advanced training and the essential skills needed in the fields of historical and artistic disciplines. The course range covers the arts of medieval to contemporary times, between the Byzantine world to Europe and beyond. In addition to the theoretical knowledge, students will apply themselves to the management and conservation of the historical and artistic heritage, with particular attention to the technical aspects of the different expressions (miniature, drawing, gold smithery, and applied arts), as well as art critiquing and collecting. Students can pursue work with a high-level responsibility at central and local administrations (state, regions, provinces, and municipalities) of cultural heritage at museums, as superintendents, libraries, media libraries, catalog offices, private foundations, restoration sites and more as well as a freelancer in the cultural industry.
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Characteristics and objectives
The degree course aims to provide advanced training in the art-historical fields and refined skills in the various sub-fields of the visual arts. The chronological scope spans from the Middle Ages to the modern and contemporary times; the geographical scope under scrutiny encompasses the Byzantine empire, Western Europe, and extra-European regions. In terms of topics, the courses taught offer a vast variety of approaches and covers diverse subjects, including historic-based and methodologic-based modules; that is, all fields that are traditionally researched and taught at the University of Padua.
Moreover, the degree provides theoretical and applied knowledge to issues of management and conservation of cultural heritage, with a specific focus on technical aspects and all the diverse artistic techniques and media (including book illumination, drawing, goldsmithing, sculpture, and applied arts). Those who obtain their second-cycle degree will have gained experience and training on issues relating to the history of art criticism, art collection, and conservation of cultural heritage. In addition, they will be able to use the main IT tools within their specific area of expertise.
Occupational opportunities
Graduate students acquire skills that qualify them to:
- exercise functions of responsibility within central and local administrations of cultural heritage (State, regions, provinces, and municipalities) and in specific institutions such as museums, superintendencies, libraries, media libraries, and catalogue offices;
- work in the cultural industry, in private foundations, restoration companies, and to operate in cooperatives that provide services for cultural heritage by providing specialized expertise;
- exercise a liberal profession as art experts.
Those who obtain a master's degree in Art History are eligible for teaching in schools (provided that they have completed the teaching qualification process and successfully passed the public exams according to the legislation now in force). They are also entitled to access the third level of education, which is Scuole di Specializzazione (Post-Graduate Schools) and Doctoral programmes.