Developmental and Educational Psychology (study track)


Duration 2 years
Branch Padua, Italy
Language English
Tuition fees and scholarships
Access Restricted

Call for applications - A.Y. 2024/25:

- 7 January - 7 March 2024 (non-EU students ONLY) - APPLICATION PLATFORM - Please check the relevant Call for admissions (TBD)
- Summer 2024 (EU and equated students) 


This new Master’s degree provides students with cutting-edge scientific knowledge, skills and abilities concerning typical and atypical development, and advanced topics in emotion regulation, peer relationships, and cultural developmental psychology. The programme encourages students’ active engagement and participation by combining theory with advanced methodology and practice that can be applied to different developmental periods, from infancy to late adolescence. It combines strong theoretical issues and research methods applied to typical and atypical development. Thus, special attention will be devoted to research methods and statistical methods applied to developmental and educational psychology.

Programme structure

Mandatory courses: Research issues in typical cognitive development; Statistical methods and data analysis in developmental psychology; Advanced data analysis for psychological science; Experimental research methods in psychology; Risk prevention and wellness promotion among youth; Economic inequality: perception, consequences and legitimization

Advanced courses: Research issues in atypical development and learning; Cultural developmental psychology; Advanced topics in emotion regulation and education; Advanced topics in peer relationship research; Developmental, cognitive and social neuroscience

Laboratories: Introduction to academic writing; Writing grant proposals; Research ethics

Detailed information about the Master's degree course units is available on the application website


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