Call for Applications - A.Y. 2025/26
- Call One: 2 November 2024 - 2 February 2025 APPLICATION PLATFORM
With a global approach to issues related to sustainability and food safety, this course, delivered in English, aims to provide advanced knowledge in the field of agricultural systems and train professionals capable of developing and managing sustainable production systems. This path, which offers different possibilities of study abroad, is divided into two areas of study: the productive area, connected to agronomy and plant and animal production, and the technological area, management-oriented, dealing with the protection and enhancement of air, water, soil and the management of rural areas and production processes. With an eye on improving environmental balance and quality and health of produce, you will be eligible to work either in public or private entities and carry out out programming, management, control, coordination and training activities on agricultural production processes.
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Characteristics and objectives
According to FAO, sustainable agriculture is an integrated system that aims to nurture healthy ecosystems and support the sustainable management of land, water and natural resources, while ensuring world food security.
The M.S. degree in Sustainable Agriculture aims to provide advanced knowledge in the field of agricultural systems as well as skills to develop and manage sustainable production systems. The context of the topics covered is international, having as its main area of investigation warm-temperate environments at a global level. The graduate in Sustainable agriculture must work to achieve food security objectives associated with improving the quality and wholesomeness of food products. The graduate must know the issues related to biodiversity, global change and ecosystem services, which are analyzed according to a systemic and adaptive approach, considering also the traceability of processes.
To address the global challenges, students are equipped with a wide learning platform, and are able to make comparisons between different production systems at the international level in terms of environmental, socio-economics, and regulatory environments. With the aim of strengthening this global approach to sustainability and food security, the degree program has been included in an internationalization project in collaboration with the University of Georgia, USA, which enables students to achieve a dual degree in 'Sustainable Agriculture' (Italy) and 'Crop and Soil Science' (USA) and partecipate at the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees for the double degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems, Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1.
The training course in Sustainable Agriculture, lasting two years, includes two main areas of study:
1) Production: training in the areas of agronomy, crop and animal productions, soil science, plant breeding, and integrated management of pests and diseases, all aimed at the sustainability of the production process and its social implications;
2) Technology: training in the areas of management and protection of air-soil-water, use of biomass of agricultural plants and animals, land management, and management of the production process (at different geographic scales) considering both innovative technologies and socio-economic aspects.
Learning is based on active studies covering activities in the classroom, in the laboratory and in the field as well as the possibility of using the contribution of Italian and foreign teachers, and industry experts that can provide specific case studies. The program offers intensive individual tutoring of students, as well as the opportunity to intern for six months, in companies in the public and private sectors, possibly abroad, for the study of cases of excellence in preparation of the thesis.
Occupational opportunities
The graduate in Sustainable Agriculture, thanks to an extensive basic training, combined with a methodological approach aimed at problem-solving, attains a versatile and flexible knowledge. For this he/she is able to perform a wide range of activities in a professional and efficient manner:
1) Operate internationally by conducting activities of planning, management, monitoring, coordination and training in agricultural production processes to meet the needs of the international market;
2) Be involved in activities of experimentation and research in both the public and private sectors (eg. Biotechnology companies);
3) Fill a position or interact with international organizations such as FAO, EU and World Bank;
4) Be involved in the transfer of technologies (innovation broker);
5) Manage technical and international business related to agricultural products and processing, and related to agricultural mechanization;
6) Play an active role in private and public structures aimed at land management and the management of water resources, including historical, cultural and landscape values of agricultural land;
7) Collaborate in the establishment and operation of projects in basic and applied research in the field of agricultural production in the international arena.
Double degree opportunities
Students enrolled in this Master's degree programme will be offered the opportunity to participate in a double degree programme in Crop and Soil Sciences with the University of Georgia (USA) in order to obtain, within two years, a double degree: the Master of Science Degree in Sustainable Agriculture (UNIPD) and the Master of Science Degree in Crop and Soil Sciences (University of Georgia).
For more information on the programme and how to apply, please visit this page.