Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March-2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
The increased employability, also in freelance positions, of professionals with a solid background in chemistry makes this international course particularly relevant. There are in fact three curricula: Chimica, which will prepare you for the Italian master's degree, Chemistry (accessed via a merit-based selection) which will confer you the title of Master of Science in Chemistry of the Justus Liebig University of Giessen (Germany), where you will attend the second semester of the first year and Complex and data driven Chemistry. You will attend advanced courses in physical, organic, inorganic, analytical chemistry and optional courses that will allow you to follow a specific training path based on your interests. You may devote yourself to research, production and control activities in industries and analysis laboratories, or to the protection of the environment or work in civil protection.
Find out more
Characteristics and objectives
The course forms graduates with solid cultural preparation in the main areas of Chemistry, adequate preparation to deal competently and autonomously with both professional activities and academic and industrial research. The training course includes three curricula: Chimica and Chemistry, and Complex and Data Driven Chemistry. The curricula Chimica and Chemistry differ in the possibility to acquire just the Italian master title, or a double degree including the Italian title and the Master of Science in Chemistry from the 'Justus Liebig University Giessen' of Giessen, Germany, respectively. Up to 5 students, chosen on the base of their accomplishments, can enroll each academic year in the Curriculum Chemistry.
Both Curricula include a first set of compulsory courses in fundamental chemical sciences with the aim of completing the undergraduate level knowledge and introducing the student to the most advanced state of the art contents. Subsequently, the student chooses a specific field of specialization by selecting optional courses within a list of advanced courses for a total of 24 ECTS. In this way the students will be able to follow a specific training course built on the basis of their cultural and professional interests.
The Curriculum Chimica is completed with some free choice courses and with a final exam in the form of an experimental thesis to be held at the university or at companies and external bodies.
In the Curriculum Chemistry the student will spend the first semester of the second year at the partner University and to get the double degree title she/he must acquire 30 CFU at the partner University. The studies are then completed with a final exam in the form of an experimental thesis, which can be carried out both in Italy or at the partner University by extending of one semester the stay abroad.
The Curriculum Complex and Data Driven Chemistry, in English, will provide chemistry students with the competences to study complex chemical systems in different areas of chemistry (catalysis, materials, synthesis) and with the tools to collect, analyse, and exploit large chemical data sets (statistical learning, chemomoetrics, machine learning). Unlike previous curricula, this is a structured course: in the first-year all teaching units (60 ECTS) are compulsory, and only in the second year students will choose teachings for 12 ECTS and develop their interests with a laboratory internship at a research group in the department. The final examination, in the form of an experimental thesis, may take place at the university or external companies and institutions.
Occupational opportunities
The Master Degree in Chemistry allows one to engage in research, production and control activities in public and private facilities. The main employment opportunities are in the industry (chemical, pharmaceutical, food, cosmetics, paper, tanning, electrochemistry and manufacturing in general), in analysis laboratories, in the areas of health, energy and cultural heritage conservation. The opportunities offered by the freelance profession are also expanding, especially in the areas of analysis, control and validation, environmental protection and civil protection. The Master Degree also provides access to the doctoral school in Molecular Sciences after an admission exam.
Double degree opportunities
Students enrolled in this Master's degree course will be offered the opportunity to follow a double degree programme in Chemical Sciences with Justus Liebig University Giessen (Germany) in order to obtain a double degree over two years: the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (UNIPD) and the Master of Science in Chemistry (Giessen).
For more information on the programme and how to apply, contact the Secretariat at the Department of Chemical Sciences.