Erasmus Mundus Joint Master on Climate Change and Diversity: Sustainable Territorial Development
Class: LM-81 - Development co-operation

This is a two-years Master Degree course that aims to prepare experts in the area of sustainable territorial development in the context of global climate and environmental emergencies. The pillars of sustainability as defined in the 2030 Agenda (people, planet, prosperity), declined in places, are the red thread in the teachings that are distributed in the various locations involved during the first three semesters.
This multi-language Erasmus Mundus Joint Master is organized according to a pre-established international mobility: I semester in Padua, II and third III semester in a European or extra-European university. The IV semester (for internship and thesis) will be held anywhere in the world.
From the a.y. 2023/2024 until the a.y. 2026/2027, CCD-STeDe will support 80 talented students from all over the world with study scholarships, and other students with partial support, fee waiver or self-funded.
Organized in 4 academic paths, CCD-STeDe combines different types of teachings.
Climate change, sustainability, development; Environmental Management; Regional and local studies; Territorial management
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Characteristics and objectives
The Master's Degree Course is held in English and in a second language (French or Spanish or portuguese). At the end of the courses students will receive a double degree: Laurea Magistrale in Sustainable Territorial Development – Climate Change diversity cooperation, awarded by the University of Padua (for all students), and, depending on the path followed, by one among the following degrees:
- Maestría de investigación en Cambio Climático, Sustentabilidad y Desarrollo, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito, Ecuador.
- Mestrado em Estudos Regionais e Locais, Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
- Master on Environmental Management, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
- Master recherche en Géographie Spécialité: Aménagement du Territoire, Universitè Joseph Ki Zerbo, Burkina Faso.
The programme is organized according to a pre-established international mobility: I semester in Padua, II and third semester in a European or extra-European university.
The IV semester (for internship and thesis) will be held anywhere in the world with the supervision of the universities of the consortium which includes universities from Europe, Africa and Latin America: University of Padua, Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar, Ecuador, Universitè de Ouagadougo Burkina Faso, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
Students can also carry out internship and research activities for the thesis in the four non-academic partner sites: Via-Via Tourism Academy (Belgium); Alda (Italy, France), Fundacion Pacha Mama (Ecuador); Associazione GIShub (Italy).
The pillars of sustainability as defined in the 2030 Agenda (people, planet, prosperity) declined in places are the thread in the teachings distributed in the various locations involved during the first three semesters. The partnership and peace components or the governance dynamics, the policies, which govern the 3 previously mentioned, are particularly applied during the fourth semester, dedicated to the training internship and the elaboration of the final exam, as moments of reflection and practices in weaving of the different components and challenges of sustainability in the context of climate change.
Master graduates will have the ability to recognize the emergence of favorable conditions for sustainable development and, at the same time, to identify unsustainable conditions, to design development sustainability processes and plan corrective practices in unsustainable contexts; finally, they will be able to promote the emergence of favorable conditions for sustainable development.
In particular, in this regard, Master graduates will have an in-depth knowledge and will have the ability to apply - in full autonomy, with managerial functions and also in particularly problematic contexts - the different methodologies used for the elaboration, implementation, monitoring and the evaluation of programs and projects for the territorial transition towards sustainability in the context of climate change by interacting with the different approaches: development, alternatives to development, post-development.
The internship is organized in cooperation with relevant organizations and NGOs, working on case studies as a starting point for the preparation of the Master thesis.
The Master includes the kick-off seminar (KOS) involving all the operational resources of the course. The introductory effectiveness of KOS derives from creating a solid foundation for teaching activities by sharing the contents of the course and knowing the roles / tasks envisaged.
Erasmus Mundus programme
For four cohorts, from 2023/2024 the international master's degree program is offered as an Erasmus Mundus Program 'Climate Change and Diversity, Sustainable Territorial Development', offering every year 20 Erasmus Mundus scholarships and 10 grants.
Occupational opportunities
Job opportunities for alumni could be found in all sectors where actions for territorial transition and adaptation to climate change should be implemented, in particular in territorial organizations responsible for the creation of sustainable territories (territorial communities, enterprises, non-state actors and civil society organizations, local governments), the central government and international organizations. Potential job positions are: environmental and climate adaptation adviser; sustainable development manager in local communities, public administrations, enterprises, civil society organizations & local governments; representative within local public institutions, national and international institutions, enterprises, trade unions & professional bodies.
Climate change, sustainability, development; Environmental Management; Regional and local studies; Territorial management
Double degree opportunities
Students enrolled in this Master's degree course will be offered the opportunity to apply for a T.I.M.E. - Top International Managers in Engineering - double degree with several internationally renowned universities and polytechnics in Europe and Asia. At the end of the double degree programme, students will obtain a UNIPD Master's Degree and a Master's Degree awarded by the host university.
For more information on the programme and how to apply, visit this page.