Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
The course is defined by its three themes; efficient production processes and product quality; animal welfare protection, biodiversity and the environment; and professional tools. The course provides students with the advanced knowledge needed to carry out the design and coordination activities for the agro-zootechnical sector in an efficient manner. Study the evolutionary analysis of the supply chains of farming concerning the needs of society; food hygiene, farm animal welfare, sustainable livestock systems, the economics of farming, and design livestock systems. The course prepares students to operate in private companies, public bodies and trade organizations that specialize in the protection and enhancement of food production and the safeguarding of animal welfare.
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Characteristics and objectives
The programme provides advanced competences in animal husbandry and the professional skills to carry out complex planning and coordination in rapidly changing economic, social, environmental and ethical scenarios. Graduates also acquire the training principles and background to enter employment and work independently by using their expertise and critical thinking.
Graduates are able to:
1) improve the use of internal and market resources in the livestock farm to enhance its technical and economic efficiency;
2) harmonize the practices to meet the demand of protection and improvement of animal welfare and conservation of local biodiversity, taking into account the environmental and economic impacts and the sustainability at farm and regional level;
3) enhance and innovate animal products (product and process quality, and traceability) in the agri-food chains.
The programme is organised into three areas:
a) efficiency of production processes and quality of animal products, which are developed through teaching activities dealing with the analysis of the evolution of the agri-food chains with regard to society needs, product and process quality of milk, meat and fish, insect farming and products quality, hygiene and health of animal products;
b) protection of animal welfare, biodiversity, and the environment, which are developed through teaching activities dealing with the improvement of animal wellbeing in livestock farms and the development of sustainable livestock systems, the management of biodiversity and food safety, the improvement of feeding and agronomic strategies to reduce the environmental impact of livestock sector;
c) economic, statistical and IT tools for livestock farms and the agricultural chain, which are provided through teaching activities dealing with the economic assessment of rural areas and livestock farms, the project of livestock facilities and systems for the management and valorization of animal wastes, the statistical and IT tools applied to the agri-food chain, the strengthening of English language and the introduction to professional activity.
Occupational opportunities
Graduates can be employed in:
- companies involved in: genetic selection and improvement of livestock species; acquisition and manufacturing of raw materials, animal feedstuff, and supplements; breeding and rearing of livestock animals; planning and design of livestock housing facilities and the storage and disposal of livestock wastes; production, transformation, and marketing of animal products;
- breeders organizations and associations, livestock chain industries, including the manufacturing and transformation of animal products; consumer associations;
- business organizations, mass-market retailers;
- public and private bodies which carry out activities focused on the planning, analysis, control, certification, and statistical analyses at farm and regional levels on issues concerning the protection and valorization of food production, and the safeguard of animal welfare, biodiversity, and environment;
- teaching of agronomy and livestock husbandry disciplines at the high school;
- private activity as agronomist and zoonomist.