Call for Applications - A.Y. 2025/26
- Call One: 2 November 2024 - 2 February 2025 APPLICATION PLATFORM
Held entirely in English, this course is designed for those who are interested in both European and international food development and production.
Students will cover today's globalized issues as it relates to the management, enhancement and protection of value-added food and wine production. In responds to a growing demand for 'territory-based' quality production on the international market, the course addresses the characterization of the so-called 'Mediterranean diet.'
Students will acquire the skills needed to understand and manage various technical, economic, and cultural elements in the formation of value-based food production. Covering a multidisciplinary scope including classroom, laboratory, and site specific held lessons, student will also be given the opportunity to carry out direct experiences in both public and private companies and agencies. Upon the completion of the course, students will gain a broad vision within the professional sector of high-quality food and wine
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Characteristics and objectives
The focus of the Master course, entirely taught in English, is on the understanding, management, promotion and protection of high-quality agro-food products, including wine. In particular, the internationally-recognised Italian food production system is analysed, taking it as a model characterised by many value-adding food quality attributes (technological, nutritional, organoleptic, hygienic, historical, social and terroir-related). These attributes are receiving an increasing attention in relation to the new ways of looking at the agro-food products in a globalized context. In addition, they meet an internationally growing demand for 'terroir-related' high-quality foods (geographical indications –GI) and are connected to the advantages of the so-called 'Mediterranean diet'.
The specific learning outcome achieved is the deep understanding of applied knowledge needed for a multi-disciplinary and systemic management of the technological, economical and cultural aspects making the value of high-quality agro-food products. The complex system of tangible and intangible characteristics can be connected back not only to agriculture and food processing, but also to the historical and cultural roots typical of Italy as well as to the well-known healthy effects of the Italian diet.
Hence, the Master program has a multi-disciplinarian nature, with the ultimate objective to train professionals able to operate - with a wide vision - within the complex system of production of high-quality foods and wines, being aware of the reasons determining their recognised value.
The study programme is open to all Italian and foreign students interested in implementing - both in the EU and international markets - effective valorisation strategies for high-quality agro-food products, based on a deep knowledge of their quality characteristics. Teaching is based on lectures, laboratory and field activities, practical work, and on experts' seminars providing students relevant and successful case studies in different contexts. Furthermore students may take advantage of an intense tutoring activity and improve their skills by spending at least six months in outstanding agro-food companies and/or public or private organisations in order to prepare their master thesis.
Occupational opportunities
The Italian Food and Wine MSs graduate will be able to operate in the technical and economical management, valorization and protection of high quality agro-food products - in an export and territorial development-oriented perspective - by using the Italian system as the reference model. He/she will find employment opportunities in quality-oriented agro-food companies, in producers' organizations, and in public and private consultancy companies involved in the protection, valorization, marketing, consulting, training and communication activities for high-quality agro-food products.
The most relevant positions concern: ii) marketing of high-quality foods and wines, on both the EU and international market; ii) design and implementation of promotion and protection strategies for these products; iii) management of the GI producers' organizations; iv) 'off-trade' and 'on-trade' buying activities, mainly in the international market; v) information on high-quality foods and wines management; vi) planning and management of territorial development strategies based on 'terroir-related' quality agro-food products.
Double degree opportunities
Students enrolled in this Master's degree course will be offered the opportunity to participate in a double degree programme in Territorial Food and Wine with the Ecole Supérieure des Agriculture – ESA Angers (France) to obtain a double degree: the Laurea Magistrale in Italian Food and Wine - Alimenti e Vini d'Italia (UNIPD) and the Master Sciences et technologie de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation et de l'environnment (ESA Angers).
For more information on the programme and how to apply, contact the Secretariat of the Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment.