Preventive and adapted physical activity
Class: LM-67 - Sport science for prevention and rehabilitation

Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2021/22:
This course expands the knowledge and skills of the degree in human movement sciences, allowing you to increase your understanding of the techniques of prevention of chronic diseases (preventing their aggravation and complications), avoidance of osteomuscular work pathologies (with re-education and post-functional maintenance -rehabilitation) and recovery of physical efficiency. You will learn biomechanics of movement, functional assessment and planning of group activities; you will also learn to understand the major problems related to the state of health of the various ages of life. You will also be able to carry out your professional activity in structures (both public and private) for elderly or disabled people, also as a freelancer, applying human movement protocols on the advice of the specialist doctor.
Attivita' motoria adattata nelle patologie croniche; Pedagogico-educativo ed inclusione
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Characteristics and objectives
A Master's degree in Scienze e Tecniche dell'Attività Motoria Preventiva e Adattata provides graduates with indepth knowledge of motor skills and physical education, develop and deliver exercise programs aimed at preventing non-communicable diseases, as well as their aggravation and complications. They will also be skilled in the prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders, re-education, the maintenance of motor function post-rehabilitation, and the recovery of physical efficiency. In addition, students gain expertise and skills on biomechanics of movement, functional and psycho-educational assessment, enabling them to develop specifically tailored individual and group activities.
Graduates have an understanding of the main health-related problems at various stages of life, in addition to ones involving work-related risk factors, chronic illness, and physical, mental and musculoskeletal disability. They are also able to use a physician's instructions to design and apply inclusive physical education plans (exercise prescription) and adapt them to a patient's clinical and functional condition.
Occupational opportunities
Graduates will be able to find employment as planners, teachers and consultants of preventive and adapted physical activity for seniors, as well as for people with risk factors, stable chronic diseases and disabilities. Their expertise also extends to preventive and compensatory activities for work-related postural defects and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as functional recovery post-rehabilitation.
Graduates apply motor protocols following specialist physicians' prescription, aimed at the organization and management of preventive and therapeutic measures that concern health education and, in particular, the prevention and therapy of chronic diseases through exercise and physical activity, prevention of postural anomalies/asymmetries and work-related musculoskeletal disorders, physical activity adapted to elderly and disabled people. Career opportunities include experts in the field of planning, conducting or advising on motor activities in public bodies or consortia of public bodies, public and private retirement homes, public and private structures for people with disabilities. These activities include motor activities for older people aimed at the prevention of psychomotor deficits related to senility, motor activities aimed at the prevention of postural vices and post-rehabilitation motor recovery for the maintenance of self-sufficiency, the prevention of pathologies related to sedentary and unhealthy lifestyles, as well as those aimed at population groups with specific chronic diseases, in which exercise is known to be beneficial. Motor activities adapted to people with disabilities for the maintenance of functional efficiency also through sports and for their inclusion in the social fabric; motor activities aimed at psychophysical and social recovery for users of detention and rehabilitation centers and for halfway house and recovery communities.
In the Veneto Region, this graduate is the only professional figure recognized for the development and administration of exercise programs to subjects with chronic diseases on medical prescription in the context of the 'Palestre della salute' (Health Gyms) (LR n. 8 of 11.05.2015 and DGR n.280 of 13.03.2018).
Attivita' motoria adattata nelle patologie croniche; Pedagogico-educativo ed inclusione