Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023-2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March-2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
A Course inspired by the principles of ecological and environmental sustainability, aimed at those who wish to acquire advanced knowledge on the complexity of natural systems and environmental processes, on methods and technologies for prevention, de-pollution and remediation, as well as for the protection of human beings and environment. You will be able to identify, evaluate and manage the interactions between the components of environmental systems and between the factors which determine environmental processes and issues, develop methods and techniques aimed at investigating the territory and analysing data, as well as dealing with safety, quality and health of the different sections of the anthropic environment. You will be eligible to work in public and private institutions, taking care, among other activities, of alternative energy sources, use of water resources and protection of air quality.
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Characteristics and objectives
The course provides advanced knowledge and professional skills suitable for carrying out complex activities of analysis, management, and coordination related to the environmental sector, as well as the ability to ensure, even with the use of innovative methods, the safety, the quality and the health of the human environment. Students have a solid cultural background that ensure a systemic view of the environment, and a good knowledge of the scientific method; they have the ability to identify, evaluate and manage the environmental components and their interactions, and the factors that drive environmental processes and the environmental problems; they know methods and techniques for surveys and data analysis in the territory, also integrating different scales of investigation; they acquire awareness about complexity of natural systems and of environmental processes, and have the ability to identify and define intervention and management techniques to guarantee an appropriate ecosystem stability by following the economic, ecologic and social principles of sustainability; they know methods and use technologies of prevention, depollution and reclamation, as well as of protection of humans and environment
Occupational opportunities
Specialists in LAND AND ENVIRONMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY carry out planning, management, control, coordination and training activities regarding environmental issues of analysis, monitoring, conservation, valorization and restoration, with particular emphasis to the human impacts. The main objective of their professional activity concerns the sustainable management of environmental resources, by embracing and proposing innovations from different private and public sectors and practitioners, on subjects regarding alternative energy, use of water resources, biodiversity conservation, territorial analysis, programming of monitoring plans, valuation of environmental quality objectives, reporting statistics and documents, training of environmental practitioners.