Next Calls for applications (international students) - A.Y. 2024/25:
- 1st Call: 2 November 2023 - 2 February 2024
- 2nd Call: 2 March - 2 May 2024
- 3rd Call (ONLY EU and equated students): 2 June - 2 August 2024
A course characterised by highly in-demand content, focusing on safety, protection and, above all, risk prevention: in civil buildings, infrastructures, industrial plants, workplaces. Two curricula to choose from: "Industrial", which will also train you to prevent and manage technological risks in companies exposed to major accident hazard, or "Civil", which will enable you to deal with prevention on construction sites and to manage buildings in seismic areas. You will find employment, for instance, in the design, protection and risk assessment in the industrial and civil industry, in product quality control, in management and reduction of environmental impact, in management of emergencies and first aid activities in case of environmental disasters.
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Characteristics and objectives
The program trains Safety engineers that, together with a robust basic knowledge, gain skills in the risk analysis sector of civil buildings and process industry systems, quality management and control, safety of complex systems and occupational-related issues.
The integration of these aspects is achieved by means of both a complementarity of covered topics in individual courses and a multidisciplinary approach dealing with complex problems.
Graduated Safety engineers will acquire solid professional problem-solving skills.
Occupational opportunities
Safety and risk analysis problems in complex systems require the training of graduates who have an interdisciplinary preparation, as well as a solid knowledge of techniques for risk assessment and analysis of reliability and availability of systems. Such figures are increasingly in demand in the public and private area.
Main employment opportunities are:
- Safety design in civil engineering,
- Industrial protection and safety in the process industry,
- Analysis of conventional and unconventional industrial risks,
- Management and monitoring of industrial processes and quality control of products,
- Management, control and minimization of environmental impacts, auditing activities, activities in the quality and safety management systems sector,
- Emergency management of first aid activities in the event of major accidents and environmental disasters.
In addition, the degree ensures the requirements to cover the following positions:
- Responsible for safety on construction sites provided for by the Italian Law 81/2008 on safety at work;
- Head of the Prevention and Protection Service provided for by the Italian Law 81/2008 on safety at work;
- Fire prevention technician.
More information
Double degree opportunities
Students enrolled in this Master's degree course will be offered the opportunity to apply for a T.I.M.E. - Top International Managers in Engineering - double degree with several internationally renowned universities and polytechnics in Europe and Asia. At the end of the double degree programme, students will obtain a UNIPD Master's Degree and a Master's Degree awarded by the host university.
For more information on the programme and how to apply, visit this page.