Second cycle degree in

Medical biotechnologies

Class: LM-9 - Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical biotechnologies

y2024 WUR Subject Biological Sciences badge 150
Class LM-9 - Pharmaceutical, Veterinary and Medical biotechnologies
Duration 2 years
Branch Padova
Language English
Admission notice Download
Tuition fees and scholarships
Programme coordinator SARA RICHTER
Access 65
Reference structures Department of molecular medicine, School of medicine

Call for applications - A.Y. 2025/26:

Please check the Call for admissions for non-EU students

  • EU students: More information on the Call for applicaiton will be available soon.


A course delivered entirely in English, with an international approach, teaching the methods and instruments of biotechnology for the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of human diseases. You will deal with the relationships between the structure and function of biomolecules and biosystems operating at the cellular, tissue and human body level, in physiological and pathological conditions.The main employment opportunities envisaged by the Master's Degree in Medical Biotechnologies are the profession as a biotechnologist, employment in private companies as specialist in advanced instrumentation to be used in research and diagnostics, professional activity in analytical and diagnostic laboratories, and research activity both in public institutions and in private companies.

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Characteristics and objectives

The main objective of the Master's Degree in Medical Biotechnologies is to prepare specialized graduates with a profound biomedical culture, concerning the relationship between structure and function of biomolecules and biosystems operating at the cellular, tissue and human levels in physiological and pathological conditions, and with in-depth biotechnological knowledge, also acquired on the basis of a solid practical laboratory experience.
Apart from the qualifying educational objectives established by LM-9 Study course class, the acquired knowledge allows graduates to perform diagnostic and therapeutic actions involving manipulation of cells, genes, and other biosystems requiring particular biotechnological experimental skills (e.g., diagnostic and gene therapy; therapy with engineered cells; rational design and development of new drugs on molecular target models known or deriving from pharmacogenomic knowledge; development of advanced diagnostic biotechnology tools, imaging and drug delivery; modulation of the immune response; diagnostics based on innovative science and laboratory medicine techniques; targeted cell immunotherapy); to organize and coordinate laboratory activities for research or for advanced diagnostic investigations requiring the use of biotechnological methodologies and the manipulation of cells or biotechnological materials; to organize and coordinate the experimental part of clinical research protocols involving the use of biotechnological material or techniques; to design and carry out research with autonomy in the field of biotechnology applied to medicine. This knowledge is acquired through participation in lectures, workshops and an internship for the preparation of the experimental degree thesis. The modalities of examination are interviews or written tests in relation to the various didactic activities.
The Master's Degree Program in Medical Biotechnologies includes two paths. In addition to the 'Medical Biotechnologies' path, the path in partnership with the University of Ulm (Germany) grants an Italian and German Double Degree. Five students selected for admission to the partnership path spend the second semester of the first year at the University of Ulm and five students enrolled in Ulm selected for the partnership path spend the first semester of the second year at the University of Padua. In addition, the Italian and German students of the partnership path can, as their choice, carry out the degree internship at a laboratory of their choice at the University of Padua (or other Italian universities) or at the University of Ulm.

Occupational opportunities

The main employment opportunities envisaged by the Master's Degree in Medical Biotechnologies are the profession as a biotechnologist, employment in private companies as specialist in advanced instrumentation to be used in research and diagnostics, professional activity in analytical and diagnostic laboratories, and research activity both in public institutions and in private companies. Another possible short-term outcome after graduating is the entrance to a PhD course.

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Double degree opportunity

No. 5 students enrolled in this Master's degree programme will be offered the opportunity to participate in a double degree in Molecular Medicine with the Universität Ulm (Germany) in order to obtain a double degree over two years: the Master of Science in Medical Biotechnologies (UNIPD) and the Master of Science in Molecular Medicine (Ulm).

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