First cycle degree in

Sicurezza igienico-sanitaria degli alimenti

Class: L-26 - Food Sciences & L-38 - Zoology

Class L-26 - Food Sciences & L-38 - Zoology
Duration 3 years
Branch Padova
Language Italian
Programme coordinator LISA MACCATROZZO
Reference structures Department of comparative biomedicine and food science, School of agricultural sciences and veterinary medicine

A course that rests on the solid foundations of physics, mathematics, biostatistics, and biochemistry. Students are offered a wide range of insights into animal and plant systems by covering subjects ranging from zoology to applied zootechnics, agri-food economics to agronomy, as well as the anatomy and physiology of livestock. Enter into your profession within the agri-food and agro-zootechnical sector catering to large-scale distribution. Learn how to assess the characteristics of foods and processing techniques, deal with transmissible diseases that move from animals to humans through food and understand the risk to the consumer, gain access to process and product certification systems and company self-control procedures. The course ensures students have a working understanding of agri-food legislation, economics, and workplace safety.