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Characteristics and objectives
Organic Crops Management is a professional degree aimed to train a qualified technical figure able to advice and/or support in the agronomic management of production and bureaucratic requirements coming from organic farmers. Organic vegetable crops insist generally in small and medium-sized farms whose entrepreneurs, in order to remain competitive, must be able to apply innovations in agronomic techniques and product valorization as well as to respond to changes in the regulatory requirements governing the organic sector.
To achieve these objectives, a three-year educational training (180CFU) has been developed.
In the first year, agricultural chemistry and plant biology notions will be provided to ensure students a common and solid base. Following, the cultivation of horticultural and extensive vegetable organic crops, together with the defense against pests, soil fertility management, and the juridical-economic disciplines (legislation and certification of organic productions) will be faced. The second-year is almost entirely devoted to laboratory activities which include both frontal lessons and extensive individual work. The aim of laboratory activities is the improvement of student skills for solving technical, managerial, and market problems occurring in organic farms. This competence will be, later on, reinforced in the internship period.
The third year is dedicated to Practical Evaluation Internship (TPV), the Practical Exam (PPV), and the Final Degree Exam. Thanks to agreements with the Collegio Nazionale degli Agrotecnici e Agrotecnici Laureati and the Collegio Nazionale dei Periti Agrari e dei Periti Agrari Laureati, students will have the opportunity to carry out the TPV, in Italy or abroad, at companies, farms, professional firms, public administrations, public or private institutions, including those in the third sector, or professional bodies or associations. Based on a specific training program, the knowledge acquired in previous years will be further explored and consolidated.
Occupational opportunities
Graduates can spend their professional skills in the following areas of work:
- organic farms already operating or in conversion,
- Seed companies specialized in the selection of varieties suitable for organic agriculture
- companies processing and marketing of organic products
- companies for the production of organisms useful in biological control
- agricultural producers' cooperatives
- trade associations
- certification bodies
- Retail buyers
- Technical advisers
- Free entrepreneur in the organic sector
From Bachelors degree to Masters degree
The course does not provide the admission to the Master's degree