A course that instructs students how to read and interpret the literary production and profiles of the most significant authors of the ancient, modern, and contemporary world with linguistic, philological, and historical-literary methods by inserting the tools learned in the texts with a correct historical-critical perspective. Students can choose between two curricula, Ancient Literature or Modern Literature. Ancient Literature offers an in-depth analysis of the ancient world while Modern Literature is dedicated to the medieval, modern, and contemporary world. The Italian language plays an essential role in both curricula as its literary richness offers an educational base that ranges from history to geography, from philosophy to archeology, as well as from art to entertainment. Students may pursue work in the fields of culture (libraries and archives), publishing (editing and translation of texts), information (as a journalist in the cultural sector), and advertising (as a copywriter
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Characteristics and objectives
The Bachelor's Degree course in Lettere provides students with a sound methodological and historical foundation in Literary studies through first-hand analysis of the main authors and works of the ancient, modern and contemporary worlds. Students become thereby able to both critically understand and interpret literary texts putting them into a historical-critical perspective, and effectively convey in good Italian the subject and outcome of their studies.
The Course has two curricula, Ancient Humanities and Modern Humanities, with some core subjects in common (Italian Literature, History of the Italian Language, Institutions of Linguistics, Geography, Latin Literature) and others specific to each curriculum (for the ancient one: Greek History; for the modern one: Romance Philology and Contemporary Italian Literature); the two curricula also have a considerable number of electives in archaeology, history, art, philosophy, performing arts and foreign literatures (54 CFU for the Ancient Curriculum and 87 for the Modern Curriculum), to which are added 18 CFU of free-choice
Occupational opportunities
Graduates in Lettere can perform professional tasks in public and private cultural organisations as well as in libraries, publishing companies and in the ITC sector.
The Degree Course has built a solid and extensive network of international exchanges, both through the Erasmus program and through the many seminar opportunities that see the participation of professors from foreign universities.
From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
Our BA graduates can enroll in MA Courses in Modern Philology, Classics, Ancient HIstory and Linguistics. They will comply with the necessary requirements published in the Calls or Application of each MA Programme.