A course that deals with contemporary social phenomena and the processes of change that distinguish them. Students learn that sociology rests particularly on the attention giving to the methodological dimensions typical of social research. Students witness that the specific skills of sociology are in continual dialogue with those of other areas of social sciences. Students acquire an inter and multidisciplinary approach on the main issues of contemporaneity (globalization, multiculturalism, migration, social and economic inequalities, interreligious and interethnic relations, media, and communication). Students will acquire the skills needed to analysis databases and for the management of organizational dynamics and human resources. Students can pursue work in services aimed at developing the well-being of it citizens through social integration and the enhancement of human rights.
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Characteristics and objectives
The course offers a sound background in Sociology, with specific attention paid to the methodology used which is useful to understand and analyse contemporary social phenomena and their processes of change. In this study course special attention is given to two educational aspects: first, the theoretical, analytical and observational features which characterize sociology are constantly engaged and interact with the sensitivity and competences which are typical of other social sciences; second, students are equipped with the tools to understand the various qualitative and quantitative techniques which are typical of the collection, elaboration and interpretation of data methods used in social research.
More specifically, the objectives of this degree course are:
a) To identify the main issues of contemporary social contexts (globalisation, multiculturalism, migration, social and economic inequalities, inter-religious and inter-ethnic relationships, media and communication, the daily life), so as to spur students not only to understand the particular nature of the 'sociological approach', but also to transform it into a practical tool for use to develop actions in order to face the challenges of contemporary society in the most effective way.
b) To transfer knowledge and methodological competences which are essential to empirically analyse social phenomena. To this extent, the second year includes three methodological and statistical courses which introduce and analyse the main social research techniques in depth; during the second and third year, students also are also given a wide choice of workshops thanks to which they can develop applied sociological knowledge and a series of practical competences and specific research techniques for use in all those contexts requiring an analysis of the complex social reality.
c) To promote an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach aiming at preparing students critically to complete their background with knowledge and competences from other disciplines. More specifically, during the first year, students are introduced to social sciences thanks to courses in contemporary history, social psychology, principles of political economy, cultural anthropology, political science, or principles of public law.
Occupational opportunities
This first-cycle degree course with limited places develops competences to analyse databases and to manage innovation on the markets, in addition to organizational and labour dynamics and human resources. Knowledge is also fostered for the production and analysis of communicative interaction in complex systems and analytical and planning skills for services aimed at improving the citizens' wealth, social integration, the promotion of human rights and recognising identities, with special attention on migration processes and the creation of intercultural social situations are all developed.
A graduate in Sociological Sciences can enter the labour market by working in: private companies, local and national public bodies, local health authorities, not-for-profit and social cooperation associations; public and communication offices; research offices and offices for the planning of social services and public policies; HR offices, training, selection and cultural mediation; market research institutes and agencies carrying out surveys; social research institutes with operational duties which are in charge of collecting and elaborating data.
The competences gained are the foundation for a possible further specialization with second-cycle sociological degrees.
From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The bachelor degree gives access to master degree courses in '' Cultural pluralism, social change and migrations' and to other master's degrees from the School of Human, Social Sciences and Cultural Heritage, according to the regulations indicated in the specific admissions documents.