First cycle degree in

Developmental, personality and interpersonal relationships psychology

Class: L-24 - Psychology

y2024 WUR Subject Psychology badge 100
Class L-24 - Psychology
Duration 3 years
Branch Padova
Language Italian
Tuition fees and scholarships
Programme coordinator PAOLO ALBIERO
Access 316

A course that focuses on the study of cognitive, communicative, affective, emotional, and social development in typical or atypical conditions that occur over a lifetime. Students will study different areas of psychology including general, social, dynamic psychology, as well as the methods of scientific investigation and main personality assessment. Students will be competent in understanding the psychological mechanisms in terms of family and in social contexts. Students will study the affective and relational dynamics by evaluating personality and social interactions. Students will be able to pursue work in the areas of psycho-social health care, as well as educational services for children, adolescents, parents, and educators by planning interventions to prevent discomfort and promote well-being, as well as the training for treating those with disabilities and special educational needs.

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Characteristics and objectives
The bachelor's degree course in Psychological Science of Development, Personality, and Interpersonal Relations covers the fundamentals of different areas of Psychology, focusing specifically on the development of cognitive, communication, affective, emotional, and social skills across the lifespan (infancy, adolescence, and adult age). The course provides students with skills appropriate to recognize individual psychological processes in familiar and social contexts. Students will gain specific competencies in affective and relational dynamics and the assessment of personality and social interactions. The students will gain theoretical and practical skills to prevent psychological distress and promote well-being at the individual level and the group, community, and institutional levels. In addition, this psychology program gives students a robust toolbox of skills and knowledge on how to develop (together with parents, teachers, and social operators) optimal environments for learning and for managing and treating special needs and disabilities.

Occupational opportunities
Graduates still have several career options in the context of psycho-social health care, in biomedical institutions, educational and child care agencies, foundations, public policy settings, state and local governments, and community programs. This first-cycle degree course in psychology prepares students for professional activity in child, family, and educational programs. In particular, students will develop skills concerning programs for support and intervention for child and adolescent, parents and teachers, family service and family relations, especially in critical developmental moments. Graduates may also be involved in psycho-educational and psycho-social interventions in several areas (e.g.: disability or psychological distress) in schools or educational centers.

From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
Graduates with a first-cycle degree course in Psychological Science of Development, Personality, and Interpersonal Relations might also access Master's degree in Psychology that habilitates for the profession of psychologist (according to the Law 8 November 2021, n. 163 and subsequent decrees), at the School of Psychology of the University of Padua or other Universities. Admission to the master degree courses takes place according to the procedures stated in the specific calls.