This course will provide you with the theoretical and practical bases as a Neurophysiopathology Technician. A Neurophysiopathology Technician is one who carries out the pathological diagnosis of the nervous system using specific diagnostic methods prescribed by a doctor. They also directly manage the result obtained from the equipment of some medical tests. This course covers the study of anatomy, physiology, and the pathology of the nervous system. The practical approach covers how to perform the main tests concerning the nervous system such as electroencephalogram, electromyography, or polysomnography. You can enter the workforce in both public and private structures, acting in close collaboration with the neurology specialists.
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Characteristics and objectives
The student learns about biological and physiological events from quantitative and qualitative points of view, as well as the foundation of applied neurophysiology. Study neuro-anatomy and learn the foundation of neurophysiology, electroencephalograpy and electronics as applied to neurophysiological investigation. Study neurological disorders, the general principles of neurophysiopathology techniques, as well as the foundation of child neuropshychiatry. Learn the basic techniques and the specific monitoring techniques for use with acute patients, intensive care patients and during surgery. Learn the experimental electrophysiology and neuro-sonology techniques, the basic knowledge of neuro-recovery and computer-aided input recording and analysis. Study the foundation of health legislation, management and the legal and ethical aspects of the medical profession.
Occupational opportunities
Graduates work in the field of the nervous system disorders diagnosis, applying the specific diagnostic methods in neurology and neurosurgery, after medical prescription. Apply the appropriate methods to record the bioelectric events on the patient and on the devices for realisation of a diagnostic-instrumental program or a neurophysiologic research in cooperation with the specialist.
From Bachelor's degree to Master's degree
The first cycle degree courses (bachelor level) give the graduate access to the 2nd cycle degree courses (master level) in Healthcare profession and diagnostic techniques, in accordance with the requirements established by the admission notice.